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MY Thought.
by john sudhaker on Aug 05, 2008 10:30 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

christianity and christ is all fake.In fact islam is the most dangerous andharmful cult.Budhism and Hinduism are an education and philosophy in itself and apear to be true and right 50%. there doesnt exist full truth. But Islam & xtianity are 100% wrong.

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  Re: MY Thought.
by marvin patrick gray on Sep 01, 2008 05:32 PM   Permalink
if you think so, u are totally blinded by someone sitting in your head and controlling you. that someone has to be kicked out else you will be kicked in life. the choice is yours. a fool thinks there is no God. if you think Christianity is fake; give your take on this point; plz find the word 'hindu' in any of your vedas, puranas, upnishads, ramayana, mahabharatas and all that crap and fictious stuff which you think are true. you wont be able to find that word. hinduism is not a religion but a culture. it is all because of your clever priests and pundits that you all have fallen in a trap thats makes you worship even a cow dung. wht a joke has this culture became.

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  RE:MY Thought.
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 05, 2008 10:54 PM   Permalink
Both Bible and Vedas,Geetha & Upanishads all tell same thing

There is no difference in the core teachings. Those who see any difference, means , they have not understood the teachings and they donot know GOD in person by way of personal experiences to the full extent.

Please read the Book "The second coming of Christ" or "God talks with Arjuna" by Swami Paramahamsa Yogananda and you will be surprised to see the exactness of the Holy Bible and Holy Geetha. If you have to listen to some one about GOD, then why not that someone be the one who HAD realized the all pervading GOD in oneself, rather than the one who just talks of GOD but no experience of GOD whatsoever.

There is an exact same thing told by Lord Jesus Christ and Lord Krishna. No differences.

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  RE:MY Thought.
by Dhruba Chakravarti on Aug 06, 2008 01:18 AM   Permalink
You are absolutely wrong. There are huge differences in the core teachings of Hindu Scriptures and the Bible. There is no Atman in Christianity, the concept of God is entirely different, and there is no yoga. Please do not write things that you do not know. And please, do not cite Paramahansa Yogananda. He and some others are hugely responsible for the mess we are in today.

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  RE:MY Thought.
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 06, 2008 02:12 AM   Permalink
Hey, Atman(in Hinduism) is same as Soul(in Bible).
The concept of GOD in Vedas or Geetha is ALL PERVADING and this is also the case in Bible.

Dear Dhruba, sorry for you that you are misguided or frustrated soul. The techniques that are practiced in India may be referred to as Yoga, but they are also practiced in Christianity as well, though they may not be using the terminology.

You use your Intiotion and you will find the similarities and not the mere senses or the sense of Mind. If you do these, then, you will never find the Universal Truth.

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  RE:MY Thought.
by Dhruba Chakravarti on Aug 06, 2008 02:35 AM   Permalink
Sridhar.. you know nothing about our Scriptures. Just to give you an example, the Biblical soul is created at the time of birth. Atman is birthless, eternal. How are they same, buddy? Please do not parrot things you do not understand, okay?

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  RE:MY Thought.
by Dhruba Chakravarti on Aug 06, 2008 08:00 AM   Permalink
Sridhar.. please study some before arguing, OK? If you do not have a Bible, search the internet, or go ask a church elder. Anyway, one of the most common verse cited as proof that God creates the soul in man is Zechariah 12.1, which says "The lord..who forms the spirit of man within him." There is a major Biblical controversy about whether women have souls, and you should be able to read about it in the internet. And then, there is controversy about exactly when God creates the soul. In the medieval times, christians thought that God put the soul in the body through the breath. In Europe, stilborn children were not considered have souls, and they were not put in grave. One English monark threw his stilborn child out the window. Lately, the abortion debate has made some christians to take a fresh look at the question about exactly when God creates and puts the soul in the body. Based on some indirect Biblical references, they now argue that God does it at conception. There is a lot of information about that in the internet as well.

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  RE:RE:MY Thought.
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 07, 2008 02:23 AM   Permalink
By the way, if two people who talk about GOD, approach me, and if one person only talks out of bookish knowledge, and other talks from personal experiences, then I will definitely listen ot the one who had personal experience of GOD. Even in personal experiences, there are multiple levels, and I would listen from those who have atleast got out of the veil of maya and had a proof of this.

If you subject the person to test of the persons level of enlightment, then the things will be clear, but what happens is that mostly, people accept of what is told by a little bit good person, and this results in the perversions of the true and original teachings in their entirety. This si what happened in Christian world, and also in Hinduism also this happened and also in Islam.

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  Re: RE:MY Thought.
by marvin patrick gray on Sep 01, 2008 05:35 PM   Permalink
nothing is eternal except God and only God. plz do not confuse urself and dont compare aatmaa with God.

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  RE:MY Thought.
by Dhruba Chakravarti on Aug 06, 2008 08:41 PM   Permalink
Sridhar..that is downright dishonest. How dare you suggest that christians do not know their own religion, and you and some misguided Hindu monks do? You should be ashamed of yourself.

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  RE:MY Thought.
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 07, 2008 12:09 PM   Permalink
Dear Dhruba,
I never claimed whatsoever that you are thinking about me like an expert on GOD etc. I am only saying what my observations are from those masters(from all religions and from all nations since ages) of the world who had freed from the clutches of life and death, from diseases, from the bondage of nature, from the slavery to the nature etc. I am just an instrument in the hand of the GOD or the ALL PERVADING DIVINITY and I am just putting the words of the saints in these forums. I neither gain nor loose my self, but it gives me self happiness, since after all, I cannot even see a small creature suffering in this world out of lack of knowledge. Hence, to reduce my own suffering, I write the posts here. Weather you take it or not, I donot care. But, I will go on as long as I can afford to do so. I have no attachment whatsoever to preach others, but am spending my valuable time here, instead of my own enlightment, since I see sometimes people fight in teh name of religion, with out even understanding it by way of self experiences.

By the way, please follow whatever your inner Intuition says to you, as long as it gives happiness to you. When you see pain in what you follow, then that means you are not doing the things rightly or not understanding it correctly. Then you yourselves will get to know the correct ways. After all, gaining non-ephimeral happiness is the goal of every religion & of whatever is said by every saint who truly realized GOD. God bless you.

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  RE:MY Thought.
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 07, 2008 02:21 AM   Permalink
Dear Dhruba,
I can tell you one thing from my inner convictions that there is no need to be part of a Christian gang, to understand the Universe, to understand GOD and to know GOD. Similar is the case with Hindus. There is no need to be part of Hindu gangs, who only are Hindus just for the sake of telling, and not follow truly or understand the teachings of Vedas or Geetha with intuition. Similar is the case of Muslims.

For that matter, Lord Jesus Christ had not read or studied any Bible, but he knew what GOD is and the secrets of the nature and creation. All one needs is a sincerety towards self and unconditional love towards GOD than anything else.

By the way, here is what Swami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa says:
1.Knowing by reading is good.
2.Knowing by listening to a person who had experiences is better.
3.Knowing by own personal experiences is BEST.

The above is especially true, when it comes to the case of spirituality. So, instead of learning from those who only have bookish knowledge, if you learn from the self experienced people or from your own self experiences, then, that knowledge is one, no matter which religion or which nation the person belongs to.

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  RE:MY Thought.
by Dhruba Chakravarti on Aug 07, 2008 10:50 AM   Permalink
West.. I quoted the Bible because I have studied it. Besides, Sridhar wanted proof.

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  RE:RE:MY Thought.
by Dhruba Chakravarti on Aug 07, 2008 10:56 AM   Permalink
Sridhar.. I will listen to your sermons when you are worthy of giving them. Sri Ramakrishna also said that a true Guru has to be an God-enlightened person himself. Your claim to be an expert on God is just plain hollow.

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  RE:MY Thought.
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 06, 2008 02:58 AM   Permalink
Can you tell me exactly where in Holy Bible it says of what you are saying that Soul (or the Unchanging essence of the Individuality) is created at the time of birth.

Seriously, please quote me the exact source rather than any vague words that you hear from others.

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  RE:MY Thought.
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 06, 2008 08:17 PM   Permalink
There is a huge misunderstanding of the words of Lord Jesus Christ in Christian gangs, since they donot know the complete picture. The problem is that they started preaching without gaining a full knowledge of the GOD and the entire creation with out personal experiences. This is the reason why most Christians had lost the original teachings and their deeper subtler meanings.

When you look at the whole concept of creation from the bottom, it looks like the Souls are created at the time of birth, and die at the time of death(which is what is due to divine illusion), but when you look from the top, from the perspective of an enlightened person, the Soul never dies. For example, when you are watching a movie and you are involved in the movie, you cry when the sad scene comes where in your favorite character dies. But from the perspective of a person who is not involved in the movie, for that person, he doesnot get affected by the death of the same character. So, the scene is the smae in the cinema, but the two people are conveying different message. One who is stuck in the movie, is crying out of illusion, but tthe other one who is out of the influence of illusion of movie, is not crying.

Similar is the concept of the Soul as well. When the person is under influence of divine illusion, he considers Soul as dying at death, but when enlightened, same person says Soul or True self never dies.

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  RE:MY Thought.
by west on Aug 06, 2008 11:41 PM   Permalink
i feel sometimes funny when people readily quote verses from bible alongwith the chapter #, heading #, sub heading #, etc. This prompts me to ask if they undergo any tests in the church regularly. not being funny. just wanted to know

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  RE:MY Thought.
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 05, 2008 10:39 PM   Permalink
The adulterated ersions that you know may be wrong, but the true versions that are interpreted not by mere senses or the sense of Mind, but by way of Intuition and personal experiences are true and are exactly same as the teachigns of Veic Hinduim as told in Geetha, Vedas etc.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures