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RE:MY Thought.
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 05, 2008 10:54 PM

Both Bible and Vedas,Geetha & Upanishads all tell same thing

There is no difference in the core teachings. Those who see any difference, means , they have not understood the teachings and they donot know GOD in person by way of personal experiences to the full extent.

Please read the Book "The second coming of Christ" or "God talks with Arjuna" by Swami Paramahamsa Yogananda and you will be surprised to see the exactness of the Holy Bible and Holy Geetha. If you have to listen to some one about GOD, then why not that someone be the one who HAD realized the all pervading GOD in oneself, rather than the one who just talks of GOD but no experience of GOD whatsoever.

There is an exact same thing told by Lord Jesus Christ and Lord Krishna. No differences.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures