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RE:MY Thought.
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 06, 2008 08:17 PM

There is a huge misunderstanding of the words of Lord Jesus Christ in Christian gangs, since they donot know the complete picture. The problem is that they started preaching without gaining a full knowledge of the GOD and the entire creation with out personal experiences. This is the reason why most Christians had lost the original teachings and their deeper subtler meanings.

When you look at the whole concept of creation from the bottom, it looks like the Souls are created at the time of birth, and die at the time of death(which is what is due to divine illusion), but when you look from the top, from the perspective of an enlightened person, the Soul never dies. For example, when you are watching a movie and you are involved in the movie, you cry when the sad scene comes where in your favorite character dies. But from the perspective of a person who is not involved in the movie, for that person, he doesnot get affected by the death of the same character. So, the scene is the smae in the cinema, but the two people are conveying different message. One who is stuck in the movie, is crying out of illusion, but tthe other one who is out of the influence of illusion of movie, is not crying.

Similar is the concept of the Soul as well. When the person is under influence of divine illusion, he considers Soul as dying at death, but when enlightened, same person says Soul or True self never dies.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures