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RE:MY Thought.
by Dhruba Chakravarti on Aug 06, 2008 08:00 AM

Sridhar.. please study some before arguing, OK? If you do not have a Bible, search the internet, or go ask a church elder. Anyway, one of the most common verse cited as proof that God creates the soul in man is Zechariah 12.1, which says "The lord..who forms the spirit of man within him." There is a major Biblical controversy about whether women have souls, and you should be able to read about it in the internet. And then, there is controversy about exactly when God creates the soul. In the medieval times, christians thought that God put the soul in the body through the breath. In Europe, stilborn children were not considered have souls, and they were not put in grave. One English monark threw his stilborn child out the window. Lately, the abortion debate has made some christians to take a fresh look at the question about exactly when God creates and puts the soul in the body. Based on some indirect Biblical references, they now argue that God does it at conception. There is a lot of information about that in the internet as well.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures