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RE:RE:MY Thought.
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 07, 2008 02:23 AM

By the way, if two people who talk about GOD, approach me, and if one person only talks out of bookish knowledge, and other talks from personal experiences, then I will definitely listen ot the one who had personal experience of GOD. Even in personal experiences, there are multiple levels, and I would listen from those who have atleast got out of the veil of maya and had a proof of this.

If you subject the person to test of the persons level of enlightment, then the things will be clear, but what happens is that mostly, people accept of what is told by a little bit good person, and this results in the perversions of the true and original teachings in their entirety. This si what happened in Christian world, and also in Hinduism also this happened and also in Islam.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures