Dear Dhruba, I can tell you one thing from my inner convictions that there is no need to be part of a Christian gang, to understand the Universe, to understand GOD and to know GOD. Similar is the case with Hindus. There is no need to be part of Hindu gangs, who only are Hindus just for the sake of telling, and not follow truly or understand the teachings of Vedas or Geetha with intuition. Similar is the case of Muslims.
For that matter, Lord Jesus Christ had not read or studied any Bible, but he knew what GOD is and the secrets of the nature and creation. All one needs is a sincerety towards self and unconditional love towards GOD than anything else.
By the way, here is what Swami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa says: 1.Knowing by reading is good. 2.Knowing by listening to a person who had experiences is better. 3.Knowing by own personal experiences is BEST.
The above is especially true, when it comes to the case of spirituality. So, instead of learning from those who only have bookish knowledge, if you learn from the self experienced people or from your own self experiences, then, that knowledge is one, no matter which religion or which nation the person belongs to.