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RE:MY Thought.
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 07, 2008 12:09 PM

Dear Dhruba,
I never claimed whatsoever that you are thinking about me like an expert on GOD etc. I am only saying what my observations are from those masters(from all religions and from all nations since ages) of the world who had freed from the clutches of life and death, from diseases, from the bondage of nature, from the slavery to the nature etc. I am just an instrument in the hand of the GOD or the ALL PERVADING DIVINITY and I am just putting the words of the saints in these forums. I neither gain nor loose my self, but it gives me self happiness, since after all, I cannot even see a small creature suffering in this world out of lack of knowledge. Hence, to reduce my own suffering, I write the posts here. Weather you take it or not, I donot care. But, I will go on as long as I can afford to do so. I have no attachment whatsoever to preach others, but am spending my valuable time here, instead of my own enlightment, since I see sometimes people fight in teh name of religion, with out even understanding it by way of self experiences.

By the way, please follow whatever your inner Intuition says to you, as long as it gives happiness to you. When you see pain in what you follow, then that means you are not doing the things rightly or not understanding it correctly. Then you yourselves will get to know the correct ways. After all, gaining non-ephimeral happiness is the goal of every religion & of whatever is said by every saint who truly realized GOD. God bless you.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures