I am saying let's put few nuclear bombs on Pakistan and everybody's problem solved. Afghanistan happy, India happy, all western countries happy. All happy. This is a country which instead of solving their own problem, creates problem for all other countries.
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 12:44 PM Permalink
good messages are only for the people with understanding. those who dont understand, cant be helped.
they will think i shall drop a nuke in my neighbour abdullah's house and my house 20 yards away will remain safe and sound.
i think they want to make a tiny bomb of their own brain size.
by Nautanki on Jul 23, 2008 11:23 AM Permalink
Look at the size of Pak. It is nothing compared to India. Yes, they can make nuisance. But they are no match to India. If India wants, really wants, it can annihilate Pak. But India cares for the people in Pak, unlike these terrorist Pakis.
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 12:42 PM Permalink
it is only your hatred which is asking you to make such statements. what does the size matter man. what is the size of iran, not even eual to two states of india. and this small iran has become a big danda in USAss...
they are just dying to demolish the nuke facility of iran and know very well that this is not the earlier cases like afghanistan and iraq. there is no northern alliance and kurds here. even the opposition is with govt. on the issue of nuke technology.
india can never want to annihilate pakistan, reason is simple, india can never do it...it is only your hateful thinking and desire which is actually killing you and making you to think like that.
by JGN on Jul 23, 2008 06:34 PM Permalink
It is not that "india can never do it..." but "India will never do it" because ours is a civilized country. Our country was not formed out of hatred. It has a civilization going back to nearly 5000 years when most of the other continents were still in the Stone-age.
Mass destruction should be avoided at any cost, anywhere in the world. That will not solve any problem.
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 11:04 AM Permalink
hatred will not solve any problem. it will kill you one day. as far as bomb is concerned, pakistan has got bomb much before india got technology. and now even pakistan has got technology. only those who have got brains in their knees talk about bombing any nuke state.
yes india is full of such idiots. let them die of their own hatred. we should not bother them.
by Vinayak on Jul 23, 2008 11:21 AM Permalink
It is clear you are a PAKI when u wrote 'pakistan has got bomb much before india got technology'. The whole world knows Porkistan got the technology from China clandestinely. Please know and accept facts. Porkistan can never match India in development.
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 12:40 PM Permalink
if you have any honesty in your heart then accept the change, otherwise go spread your hatred. even if we understand that islam is the only true way of life, we dont hate the followers of other faith, yes, we only try to reveal the truth and those who are enjoying the innocence ignorant people and making their living out of this, do feel bad and make a lot of hue and cry.
by ram verma on Jul 23, 2008 01:05 PM Permalink
wat's best of life???? suppress women , suppress free thinking, suppress enterprize,let rich muslim enjoy good things and preach poor chaps to fight for so called gr8 cause. Wah, what a good way of living...
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 01:22 PM Permalink
women is never suppressed inislam. in fact islam makes them free and gives them right to choose or refuse. first time when islam mentioned this, people did not approve this, but islam forced this rule of humanity on the people like you.
islam gives much more rights to women than any other religion or system. you can verify yourself, if you have brain. simply becoming nude in public is not the real freedom. it is just to make some lecherous people like you to happy. no our ladies are not ready for this.
they are not forced to do hijab, they do it by wish and will. for long enemies of islam tried to misguide women of islam but since they could not succeed, they are now forcing them to become nude like their own ladies. recenly silmi was forced to remove her veil if she wants citizenship of france and she told clearly that she does hijab because she wants it. and there is no force on her.
our women do understand that you like lechers actually dont want to respect women, want to enjoy women naked body. so make your women naked, leave our women aside. they are pious and chaste not like yours.
tomorrow you will say, our women to should worship siva's LD... oh comon man. please leve us alone. go and do what ever you want with your women.
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 12:38 PM Permalink
every body has got the right to acquire the nuke technology. if any one can get, then every one has got the right at least to get it.
after iraq attack it was mentioned in some article clearly, that there was no proof of WMD but some power full rouge states use false allegations and attack some weak states. in future only WMD is going to become the assurance of your survival in this world. so every body has got right to acquire it.
recently india had a war like situation with pakistan in kargil, but every body retracted because they know both are nuke state. had there been any nuke in iraq, rowdy USA soldiers could have never dared to go there.
some rouge estates like USA always try to bully weak countries and make sure they remain weak by making them sign so many illegal agreements but that cant happen for long.
very soon so many countries will acquired nuke and US goondagardi will come to end. a little iran has become a big danda for rowdy usa. what will happen if we get some more estates like iran. even sanction will not do any good for iran. they have learned to survive in sanctions.
the best thing, is live and let live. dont suppress any one, dont hate any one, let every body has equal rights socially. financially some may have higher buying capacity, but just because some people do have higher buying capacity it doesnt mean that they will be given preferences in bhagwan darshan. just go to any mosque and tirupaty temple you will find the difference yourself.
by pakmahaan on Jul 23, 2008 12:42 PM Permalink
Dude I am doing my PhD from Stanford. You have no idea what USA is. Here research is going on to make US territory nuke free, that is "atom-splitting" will no longer be possible in US airspace in a few decades.
Do you know the power of brains of United States of America. Do you know the chosen people of God "Jews" are doing research here? Do you konw how much power God gives these jew scientists?
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 01:28 PM Permalink
your boot licking mentality will not say anyting else. i can understand that....
you are doing PH.D. so dont think you are the only one who is doing this. in fact me too is doing Ph.D. and my subject will give you a sweat in your spine. so please leave it aside.
your slave mentality tells clearly why you support west and us. you want money and even you can dump your own country and go there and boast..
Dude I am doing my PhD from Stanford.
what is so special if you are doing it...go and try...we shall also try. it is the strategy of dirty us and west to progress and stop others from progressing. they know where is the potential so they try to stop muslims hard as they dont only talk about worshipping true God but also talk about the system...a change in system where every body will have equal rights and this hurts west and us interests. so they try hard to demonise islam and muslim world.
these jews are cursed. they dont even have a house of their own, how long you can live in a snatched house. very soon they will be thrown away from palestine. they are thankless people. when hitler killed them, muslims gave them shelter and they snatched their own house. now no body will even give them any place in their country.
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 12:31 PM Permalink
people filled with ignorance and hatred dont see, they just walk blindly and dont search for truth, they just want something which approve what they are believing in. you are one of those morons...
in this forum, speak the truth and you are paki if truth goes against india and hindu culture. if you have a little brain and if you had sense before this communal wave created by RSS and BJP then you will know that even during the time of Ziaul Haque pakistan has got the bomb. no matter from where. when the bomb is dropped it will see that i am from china or russia, it will kill simply.
recently india did the blast and got technology but pakistan had bomb already and when did pakistan acquired technology no body even could guess it. no body knew pak has the technology and when india did the explosion, just 7 days after that pakistan did the same with two more in number. do you think it was only 7 days preparation? only some idiots will believe that and his hatred will force him to continue live in fools paradise.
if i want something, i can buy or develop. who are you or any body else to force me to go through some specified way. did india start from chain reaction. who postulated, it? some indian do you think? if not then can we say india too clandestinely acquired the technology? dont talk like morons. every body starts from where the world is. pak got because china gave.
israel got because usa gave and no body in the entire world bother with that.
by pakmahaan on Jul 23, 2008 12:38 PM Permalink
Pakistan cannot even create a needle in its factories. Pakistan is dependent on US aid of 10 billion to feed its people. In Pakistan even if you have some money you cannot purchase food as market is short of wheat and rice. FACT1: ONE Mukesh Ambani can purchase every company listed in Pakistan Stock exchange with 13% of his wealth.
FACT2: Tatas and Ambanis together earn more yearly than GDP of Pakistan.
WHY is Pakistan so incompetent. Why cant it compete with Hindu India? Why is not giving Pakistan any brains to develop. Devleoping a small country is much easier than developing a huge poor nation as India was 60 years ago.
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 01:16 PM Permalink
islam gives the real strength in every thing. islam asks muslims to grow and prosper. US is afraid of pakistan and know very well where is the potential. so they dont bother about india. they just find some corrupt man like mush and try to control pakistan but the real pakistani muslims is very much honest and having high potential and USA is afraid of them.
what pakistan can do, is actually much beyond your thinking. you can simply sleep and dream what you desire. a very hateful and devilish desire. and that makes you dream totally absurd thinking....
pakistan industry is much more advanced than you can ever think. you dont know anything actualy. you know only what RSS and media told you to believe in. you are like a puppet who dont have any of their own brain. they only see what they are made to see.
you talked about mukesh, is he the same mukesh who once stole so much money from BSNL by changing STD calls to locals? he is your hero..good. a thief will chose only his own as hero.. this mukesh was convicted and found guilty and was made to pay to BSNL by court. yes, this thief is really good but fit for india only.
leave about GDP and control you inflation right now. you are living in fools paradise....
india is not a hindu india first of all. hindu india will believe that moon is god and snake is god and sun is running on its chariot. a totally idiotic idea. thanks got we muslims are living in india to correct these ignorants.
by pakmahaan on Jul 23, 2008 11:19 AM Permalink
Hatred is the essence of Islam. Pakistan has a stolen nuclear bomb. After Indian nuke deal our nuke technology will be so superior that pak will not even come to know how they evaporated with their stolen begged bomb within a few seconds.
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 12:23 PM Permalink
islam preches and practices peace and justice. it never asks to hate any one. not even to its enemies. it is the teachings of RSS and BJP who justify their teachings by blaming it on islam.
in fact no religion asks to hate any one but if you read your own mythology, you will understand, how devi and devta hate each other and even indulge in fighting. siva fighting vishnu and then siva cutting head of brahma because he was running after his own daughter by being infatuated with sex...sometimes i wonder if this incest has been taught by hinduism to west or what...
if you are truthful, just tell me one thing...
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 01:09 PM Permalink
first of all you have given wrong reference. you are a moron dont know how to copy paste too...
SURA 2:2156 "“Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you"
though reference is wrong, i still believe that verse is correct. what is wrong in this. when indian army was made, doyou think soldiers were given message of peace that they should go and love and kiss their enemies? at least islam asks to not to fight to those who want peace and even provide shelter to them. which army will say like today. NON...go and search a single army major who says, provide shelter to those who want peace, at the most he will say let him go.
when war is declared we must fight, every body does this. there is nothing wrong in this. i dont find any hatred preaching in this...
any way thanks for all your reference. i got a chance to clarify the doubts in the mind of people with understanding. those who dont understand, are allowed to continue their hatred, it will finally kill them one day.
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 12:54 PM Permalink
yes. you are right, you have taken the verses out of context and quoting them here.
5:51: yes, Quran says, this to the muslims during war time when there is war there must not be any friendship with Jews and Christians. who will do friendship when there is war, with ones enemy? will go to pakistan when there is a war between india and pakistan? even quran mentions further in the same verse that they are friends of each other. are they actually? jews killed Jesus as per christian's claim and one christian group is still engaged with jews in fighting in Jerusalem. but during war they became frnd so that they can crush the muslims. so muslims must not take any frndship with them. or else what will happen? think yourself if you have brain.
once there was a riot in india and there was one man called Abdullah. he was very nice and kind to every one. even hindus liked him too much. but during riot he was suggested by musilms to leave the locality as it was hindu majority locality. but he denied saying he is equally friend to hindus and muslims. then hindu mob came slaughter him. no body recognized him as a friend at that time.
Allah is guiding to not to get hurt. if you still want to take frndship then go ahead. who wants but Allah knows during war they will never support muslims so muslims must abstain from making frndship with them.
still there is no message of hate. only not to make frndship.
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 01:04 PM Permalink
you are such a devil minded, even you quoted this verse half, so that your devilish desire will be fulfilled. here is the full...:
YUSUFALI: But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
you learned from arun shauri perhaps how to lie and fool ignorant people. Allah is saying not to fight during the month of Ramadhan. just let me know which month do you abstain from fights. was there any gap when world war broke? people killed people for years without any gap. Allahs asks to give a gap even if you are in war, just to remind that you must not forget the rules of war. and the rules of war was made by islam 1400 year before even today they are so much worth following but only muslims do follow them, others still are behaving like beasts. muslims even war dont forget their humanity. you can just see what Allah says to us to do those who dont want to fight.
muslims fight only for peace and that's why there has always been a decisive war in islam. there is not war of hatred like most of the today's so called humanity protectors do.
show me a single war fought due to hatred by muslims. muslims fight only to end the injustice and even today, they fight for the same cause.
by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 12:57 PM Permalink
what is wrong with this and where is hatred here i dont understand:
Sura3 3:64: “Verily Allah has cursed the Unbelievers and has prepared for them a Blazing Fire to dwell in forever."
doesnt hinduism says, those who dont worship hindu gods will go to narak? why? there are two type of people called devatas and danavas. (sur and asur). asurs eat meat and sur dont eat. i dont know millions of hindus who eat meat are sur or asurs.
there is concept of heaven and hell in every religion and those who dont believe in the religion and do the righteous act will go to hell fire is the concept in every religion. what is wrong in this...
only some cunning person like you will hide the truth and take the verses out of context and misguide people.
by Bihari on Jul 23, 2008 01:29 PM Permalink
Golden, Please don't argue with pakmahaan type shivlingam & parvatichootam.They are stone age people.