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by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 12:54 PM

yes. you are right, you have taken the verses out of context and quoting them here.

5:51: yes, Quran says, this to the muslims during war time when there is war there must not be any friendship with Jews and Christians. who will do friendship when there is war, with ones enemy? will go to pakistan when there is a war between india and pakistan? even quran mentions further in the same verse that they are friends of each other. are they actually? jews killed Jesus as per christian's claim and one christian group is still engaged with jews in fighting in Jerusalem. but during war they became frnd so that they can crush the muslims. so muslims must not take any frndship with them. or else what will happen? think yourself if you have brain.

once there was a riot in india and there was one man called Abdullah. he was very nice and kind to every one. even hindus liked him too much. but during riot he was suggested by musilms to leave the locality as it was hindu majority locality. but he denied saying he is equally friend to hindus and muslims. then hindu mob came slaughter him. no body recognized him as a friend at that time.

Allah is guiding to not to get hurt. if you still want to take frndship then go ahead. who wants but Allah knows during war they will never support muslims so muslims must abstain from making frndship with them.

still there is no message of hate. only not to make frndship.

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Why Obama wants better Indo-Pak ties