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by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 01:22 PM

women is never suppressed inislam. in fact islam makes them free and gives them right to choose or refuse. first time when islam mentioned this, people did not approve this, but islam forced this rule of humanity on the people like you.

islam gives much more rights to women than any other religion or system. you can verify yourself, if you have brain. simply becoming nude in public is not the real freedom. it is just to make some lecherous people like you to happy. no our ladies are not ready for this.

they are not forced to do hijab, they do it by wish and will. for long enemies of islam tried to misguide women of islam but since they could not succeed, they are now forcing them to become nude like their own ladies. recenly silmi was forced to remove her veil if she wants citizenship of france and she told clearly that she does hijab because she wants it. and there is no force on her.

our women do understand that you like lechers actually dont want to respect women, want to enjoy women naked body. so make your women naked, leave our women aside. they are pious and chaste not like yours.

tomorrow you will say, our women to should worship siva's LD... oh comon man. please leve us alone. go and do what ever you want with your women.

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