islam gives the real strength in every thing. islam asks muslims to grow and prosper. US is afraid of pakistan and know very well where is the potential. so they dont bother about india. they just find some corrupt man like mush and try to control pakistan but the real pakistani muslims is very much honest and having high potential and USA is afraid of them.
what pakistan can do, is actually much beyond your thinking. you can simply sleep and dream what you desire. a very hateful and devilish desire. and that makes you dream totally absurd thinking....
pakistan industry is much more advanced than you can ever think. you dont know anything actualy. you know only what RSS and media told you to believe in. you are like a puppet who dont have any of their own brain. they only see what they are made to see.
you talked about mukesh, is he the same mukesh who once stole so much money from BSNL by changing STD calls to locals? he is your hero..good. a thief will chose only his own as hero.. this mukesh was convicted and found guilty and was made to pay to BSNL by court. yes, this thief is really good but fit for india only.
leave about GDP and control you inflation right now. you are living in fools paradise....
india is not a hindu india first of all. hindu india will believe that moon is god and snake is god and sun is running on its chariot. a totally idiotic idea. thanks got we muslims are living in india to correct these ignorants.