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by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 12:38 PM

every body has got the right to acquire the nuke technology. if any one can get, then every one has got the right at least to get it.

after iraq attack it was mentioned in some article clearly, that there was no proof of WMD but some power full rouge states use false allegations and attack some weak states. in future only WMD is going to become the assurance of your survival in this world. so every body has got right to acquire it.

recently india had a war like situation with pakistan in kargil, but every body retracted because they know both are nuke state. had there been any nuke in iraq, rowdy USA soldiers could have never dared to go there.

some rouge estates like USA always try to bully weak countries and make sure they remain weak by making them sign so many illegal agreements but that cant happen for long.

very soon so many countries will acquired nuke and US goondagardi will come to end. a little iran has become a big danda for rowdy usa. what will happen if we get some more estates like iran. even sanction will not do any good for iran. they have learned to survive in sanctions.

the best thing, is live and let live. dont suppress any one, dont hate any one, let every body has equal rights socially. financially some may have higher buying capacity, but just because some people do have higher buying capacity it doesnt mean that they will be given preferences in bhagwan darshan. just go to any mosque and tirupaty temple you will find the difference yourself.

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Why Obama wants better Indo-Pak ties