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by Golden on Jul 23, 2008 12:31 PM

people filled with ignorance and hatred dont see, they just walk blindly and dont search for truth, they just want something which approve what they are believing in. you are one of those morons...

in this forum, speak the truth and you are paki if truth goes against india and hindu culture. if you have a little brain and if you had sense before this communal wave created by RSS and BJP then you will know that even during the time of Ziaul Haque pakistan has got the bomb. no matter from where. when the bomb is dropped it will see that i am from china or russia, it will kill simply.

recently india did the blast and got technology but pakistan had bomb already and when did pakistan acquired technology no body even could guess it. no body knew pak has the technology and when india did the explosion, just 7 days after that pakistan did the same with two more in number. do you think it was only 7 days preparation? only some idiots will believe that and his hatred will force him to continue live in fools paradise.

if i want something, i can buy or develop. who are you or any body else to force me to go through some specified way. did india start from chain reaction. who postulated, it? some indian do you think? if not then can we say india too clandestinely acquired the technology? dont talk like morons. every body starts from where the world is. pak got because china gave.

israel got because usa gave and no body in the entire world bother with that.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Why Obama wants better Indo-Pak ties