How do countries like Saudi arabia (where Mecca - the holy site for Muslims is situated), Kuwait, Iran and some more Arabian countries treat Non-muslims ?.
Look at what Saudi Arabia is doing to non-Muslims (where Hindus and Buddhists get the worst discrimination). --> Non Non-Muslim can pray to his god according to his faith using the pictures,small idols & religious articles of his form of understanding of the god is allowed, even for his own private use let alone public use. --> In case of killing of a person, the Compensation for a Muslim man is the highest and Muslim woman gets the next highest compensation. Christians follow next and Hindu Men get the second least compensation while Hindu women the least. --> Most of the Muslim Mideast countries (save for Oman and Dubai alone) don't allow even a single Hindu/Buddhist worship place. --> No chance for the people of those countries to even willfully convert to another religion. Only Non-Muslims can convert and that too to Islam. Saudi Arabia has a seperate Religious department in its government the solitary purpose of which is to convert non-muslim to islams. --> But at the same time, Saudi Arabia wants to build Madarassas, Mosques and other Islamic institutions all around the world and fuel its brand of a old, interpretation of Islma that fits well with Nomadic Tribes in the desert land of Arabia. The above is almost the same of a few more countries like Kuwait, Iran and etc.
--> While Muslim communities all around the world will indulge in violence and rioting if somebody draws a cartoon on Mohhammed but the same people will sit quiet when Baamiyan Buddhas and Hindu Temples get blasted/taken over in one of the lands of their Ummah (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh). --> Muslim Insurgency in all around the world indulge in violence from within, against most of the democratic, secular and open governements (India, Us, UK, France, Australia, Phillipines, Israel, Thailand ) and moderate Muslims in those land won't speak out and restrain their own violent sections.
Just compare the Drop in Hindu population in Bangladesh & Pakistan as against the growth of Muslims in India - ever since Independence. Any reactions ?.
When countries like those stated above act so fundamentally and inhumanely against non-muslims, Why should non-muslims practise equality, show respect and not be prejudiced against Muslims ?.
People like Tasleema Nasreen, Salman Rushdie have openly spoken about this intolerance shown by almost all Majority-Muslim countries. That's why they are appreciated by Non-Muslims who have already given Muslims equal respect and rights (if not special laws, reservations and rights) in their own lands.
Any reasonable, discerning Muslim please let us all non-muslims know about your opinions, justifications (if any) on the above intolerant discriminations meted out to non-Muslim people.
RE:Some questions...
by on Jan 29, 2007 02:48 PM Permalink
I am sorry my English isn't good but here is clarification to your non-sense: 1. It is not true. Non-Muslim can practice their religions but not in public. Also they are not allowed to display their religious symbols like "a cross" in the public. 2. This is not true even. I dont know where you find this stupid compensation thing. 3. It is not allowed to build places of worship for non-muslims in a muslim country. But if the place of worship already exist, non-muslims are allowed to visit them. But they should do that with no intention to spread their religion. 4. Yes, it is not allowed to preach any other religion other than islam. I can go on explaining why but I am sure dumb heads like you will never understand. Its like explaining a vegetarian guy the taste of meat. 5. Yes they spend money on building religious institutions, unlike you. You shouldn't be concerned if they do that. 6. I think you are a kind of person who listens to CNN & watch cartoons. Let me give you an example here. If your mom is sick and she is asking you to get a glass of water and you sit beside her. Instead of getting her a glass of water you go telling her that "mom I love you" what will you get in return??? a kiss or a slap on your face. Thats what happened in Afghanistan. Now tell me why were statues destroyed after several years of taliban ruling the country. Do your homework first or stop preaching your stupidity. 7. Because your so called democratic governements are corrupted to the limit that they are ready to sell their own mommy ;). They are responsible for killings thousands & thousands in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Chechenya, Somalia, Phillipines etc.. Check the records, its not only muslims who are fighting the evil but also some good intelligent hindus who support and fight with us in the cause like in kashmir.
RE:RE:Some questions...
by sivanesan on Aug 17, 2007 11:23 PM Permalink
Your message clearly shows your narrow mind. 1. Why they are not allowed. Here in india you can do any thing. And all over the world you can do your religion. Same like all humans have their rights. 3. What is the point in you. Not allowed to build. why only you can build all over the world. 4. Explain man. If you don;t know leave it. One thing I want to tell you finally.
You are all worshipping our lingam only. you are worshipping Lord shiva. But you are not able to open your eyes and accept the reality.
I totally agree with you. We should behave like west, a superpower in the making. It is our meek attitude that has always made our country a target of mischief mongers. Moreover, we should not be talking about Hindu-Muslim thing. She is facing the wrath of fundamentalists who is seeking her blood, her only fault being expressing her views! It is our responsibilty as a democratic country to encourage the freedom of expression, either within or outside the country. Dont bring religion into everything, we dont need to endorse her views, but we can sure respect her freedom of expression as we are human beings. The prime failure of India in Indian subcontinent is that it never showed responsibility towards the smaller neighbouring countries. Sometimes, it might need to be aggressive, but it cant shy away from larger interests of the people living in those countries. Unfortunately, we leave an impression that India bullies the smaller countries in the region. Its not always diplomatic relations that matter, especially when the ppl dont like the rule they have. It is the larger interests of the people within and India has to take up responsibility for them and stand tall!
When so many bangladeshis are residing in india,without any problem and without any permissson, i dont understand why this tasleema is applying for the citizenship officailly. She could get one rationcard and her name enrolled in the voters list from any west bengal, or assam or many of indian states and live freely. She is unnecessarily creating problem to the minority voted government, she can stay without fear. But only thing she should take care is that she should not take fight with our own arundhati roy, kamala das, teesta (she got padmasri),and so on else they will be jobless and this disturbs their peace. SO MY SINCERE ADVICE TO TASLIMA IS STAY WITHOUT ASKING IN INDIA, AS INDIA,PAK,BANGLA ARE ONE AND SAME.
RE:What is the necessity to apply
by Kalyan L on Jan 29, 2007 11:53 AM Permalink
hello dude, get ur basics right. Its funny to read this---i dont understand why this tasleema is applying for the citizenship officailly. She could get one rationcard and her name enrolled in the voters list from any west bengal, or assam or many of indian states and live freely. She is unnecessarily creating problem to the minority voted government--do u even know that you have to be an Indian citizen to be able to vote. Being an Indian you cant vote in a different region of the country. Have you ever cast your vote?
RE:RE:What is the necessity to apply
by jitendra kumar on Jan 29, 2007 02:55 PM Permalink
Dear kalyan r, it may be looking funny to u, becoz u have not felt the heat of the problems created by the bangladeshis and pakis, there are thousands y even lakhs of these illegal persons paying bribe and getting themselves as enrolled as indian and that to on the behest of some political leaders and parties, when they can easily become indians my logic was then y not taslima become in that manner. She can do it easily without any media hype and known to eveybody. Do you know how many illegal Bangladeshis, pakis, nepalese, are staying ? I am sure you will not have the idea, but when one day they come and snatch your freedom, that day u will realize but alas !!!! it will be late
Reading the message board made me wonder, why do we always give so much importance to what fundamentalists think? Deepa Mehta was opposed by RSS and does not represent the views of majority moderate Hindus. The government did provide her with security but she choose to move to Sri Lanka because of the threats from Bajrang Dal and Co. Do people opposing Taslima belong to any RSS or Bajrang Dal type muslim organization. I would like to know the views of moderate muslims on this. Personally I don't want India to start giving shelter to such controversial person (whether right or wrong), the west is there for this purpose. We have lot of our own problems to think about. Also I don't want people of Bangladesh, even the fundamentalists there, to think of India as a shelter of there enemies. How does it help us, we should be pragmatic like china and avoid unnecessary controversy because of our moral and ethical leanings. A good and friendly image of India in the eyes of Bangladeshi people including fundamentalists is what is needed. We shouldn't let her become an irritant in our relations. We should always remember the she is no one to us...let us take care of our own house.
RE:Another view point
by on Jan 28, 2007 10:22 PM Permalink
Her citizenship should be based on merits and not whether it offends Bangladesh which is training our insurgents, pushing Hindus on to us and creating all sorts of troubles on the borders. We should behave like west, a superpower in the making. It is our meek attitude that has always made our country a target of mischief mongers. If we hold the right of free speech as paramount, we should have no qualms about giving Taslima citizenship in this country as she is under threat in Bangladesh. Opinion of moderate muslims in this country is either absent or muted.
RE:RE:Another view point
by Kalyan L on Jan 29, 2007 11:05 AM Permalink
I totally agree with you. We should behave like west, a superpower in the making. It is our meek attitude that has always made our country a target of mischief mongers. Moreover, we should not be talking about Hindu-Muslim thing. She is facing the wrath of fundamentalists who is seeking her blood, her only fault being expressing her views! It is our responsibilty as a democratic country to encourage the freedom of expression, either within or outside the country. Dont bring religion into everything, we dont need to endorse her views, but we can sure respect her freedom of expression as we are human beings. The prime failure of India in Indian subcontinent is that it never showed responsibility towards the smaller neighbouring countries. Sometimes, it might need to be aggressive, but it cant shy away from larger interests of the people living in those countries. Unfortunately, we leave an impression that India bullies the smaller countries in the region. Its not always diplomatic relations that matter, especially when the ppl dont like the rule they have. It is the larger interests of the people within and India has to take up responsibility for them and stand tall!
RE:RE:Another view point
by Kalyan L on Jan 29, 2007 11:06 AM Permalink
I totally agree with you. We should behave like west, a superpower in the making. It is our meek attitude that has always made our country a target of mischief mongers. Moreover, we should not be talking about Hindu-Muslim thing. She is facing the wrath of fundamentalists who is seeking her blood, her only fault being expressing her views! It is our responsibilty as a democratic country to encourage the freedom of expression, either within or outside the country. Dont bring religion into everything, we dont need to endorse her views, but we can sure respect her freedom of expression as we are human beings. The prime failure of India in Indian subcontinent is that it never showed responsibility towards the smaller neighbouring countries. Sometimes, it might need to be aggressive, but it cant shy away from larger interests of the people living in those countries. Unfortunately, we leave an impression that India bullies the smaller countries in the region. Its not always diplomatic relations that matter, especially when the ppl dont like the rule they have. It is the larger interests of the people within and India has to take up responsibility for them and stand tall!
RE:RE:Another view point
by Purushottam Kumar on Jan 28, 2007 11:34 PM Permalink
I don't know what other merit she has and how it will help India. Why are we so overenthusiastic to uphold the right of free speech of a Bangladeshi Citizen. We should be more than happy that Arundhati Roy and Co. enjoy free speech here. I agree we should have a tougher attitude towards mischief mongers but it is different from having a sympathetic attitude towards Taslima. I don't know how the citizenship issue will make our policies look tougher. We are not a superpower and shouldn't behave like one. If we want to become a great nation and play a meaningful role internationally, we should refrain from creating trouble in our neighborhood, it will only tie us down in the subcontinent. The west creates trouble in distant lands and not in its own backyard which has the potential of spilling over.
RE:RE:RE:Another view point
by pnrazdan on Jan 29, 2007 10:38 AM Permalink
Mr Kumar, her merit is that she is a liberal writer, the spirit we hold as a leading democracy of the world, she is from a neighbouring country and has a right to ask for refuge and she has been living in this country for the last one year.In a world which is threatened with jehadi interpretation of Islam, we need moderate muslims in all countries who have the courage to condemn what is patently wrong. Let Arundhati Roys say what they want to. It applies equally to them. Indian public has the segacity and wisdom to accept or rebuff these elements. We are a superpower in the making. We are not creating trouble on our borders but others are doing it to thwart our economic growth and a multi religious character. Superpowers donot tolerate these things at their borders. Remember to what extent USA went when it was threatened in Cuba. We need to change our weak and timid attitude. Non violence was ok at some stage but it cannot work when nuclear nations exist in our neighbourhood.
Is this the same woman who wanted to become famous overnight by critisizing Islam ?? This is the only way you can become famous she wants to be famous like Salman Rushdi but Thanks to people like her Islam benefits from these people more and more people are asking questions begining to understand Islam.
A brave lady ,if i say so myself.Its no laughing matter to take on the Islamic society with such heartfelt criticism.No religion is above criticism, and it requires a person who believes in basic human rights and a courageous heart to show to the people if they have done wrong. Kudos to her..and i hope our govt will grant her citizenship or at least an extension to her visa.
by Ali Imran on Jan 28, 2007 07:39 PM Permalink
Yes She should be given citizenship, I agree but only after she agrees to have a open debate with DR Zakir Naik and she suceeds in proving her point on critisizing Islam the religion of Truth and Peace
by Ali Imran on Jan 29, 2007 08:59 AM Permalink
But why do you feel like deporting him to Pak is it because he knows Bible better then so called Christrians?? Bhagwad Geeta better then so called Hindus and all other holy books for that mattar
by Larsen Keats on Jan 29, 2007 01:24 PM Permalink
Because, a little learning is a dangerous thing. He has just mugged up everything, but actually does not know. And at all times, he wants to project Islam as the "better faith". No faith is better than the other. Only people are.
by Observer Observer on Jan 28, 2007 07:34 PM Permalink
Brave!!Yeah let her show to the people the genocide of Muslims in Gujarat and then ask for citizenship.Thats human rights in practice rather than attacking a religion purely for moneary gains and to get of a third world country libe Bangladesh and use India as a launchpad to Europe or any wesetrn country like many who use lies to get into that kind of a position.Like the recent Somali writer who was granted citizenship in Sweden only to be reviked later becuase of her lies.
Hindu Fundamnetalists oppose Deepa Mehta and Love Tasleema in the same breath!
Talk about double standards they come to your mind, Hindu fundamentalists from the RSS line of thinking opposed the Oscar nominated director for potraying the plight of lower caste widows in Hindu society,so much so that the director had to shoot the film in Sri Lanka.
Now the same people out of their hatred for their fellow countrymen who happen to be Muslims support the illogical and basesless rant of a lunatic like Tsleema Nasreen , so much so that they want a "Bangladeshi" to be given citizenship , this all the while making the so called "illegal immigrants from Bangladesh" a issue to attack the real citizens of India.Pathetic , I wonder what would happen to the fundamnetalist Hindu society based on double standards.