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RE:RE:Another view point
by Kalyan L on Jan 29, 2007 11:05 AM

I totally agree with you. We should behave like west, a superpower in the making. It is our meek attitude that has always made our country a target of mischief mongers.
Moreover, we should not be talking about Hindu-Muslim thing. She is facing the wrath of fundamentalists who is seeking her blood, her only fault being expressing her views! It is our responsibilty as a democratic country to encourage the freedom of expression, either within or outside the country. Dont bring religion into everything, we dont need to endorse her views, but we can sure respect her freedom of expression as we are human beings. The prime failure of India in Indian subcontinent is that it never showed responsibility towards the smaller neighbouring countries. Sometimes, it might need to be aggressive, but it cant shy away from larger interests of the people living in those countries. Unfortunately, we leave an impression that India bullies the smaller countries in the region. Its not always diplomatic relations that matter, especially when the ppl dont like the rule they have. It is the larger interests of the people within and India has to take up responsibility for them and stand tall!

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