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RE:RE:What is the necessity to apply
by jitendra kumar on Jan 29, 2007 02:55 PM

Dear kalyan r, it may be looking funny to u, becoz u have not felt the heat of the problems created by the bangladeshis and pakis, there are thousands y even lakhs of these illegal persons paying bribe and getting themselves as enrolled as indian and that to on the behest of some political leaders and parties, when they can easily become indians my logic was then y not taslima become in that manner. She can do it easily without any media hype and known to eveybody. Do you know how many illegal Bangladeshis, pakis, nepalese, are staying ? I am sure you will not have the idea, but when one day they come and snatch your freedom, that day u will realize but alas !!!! it will be late

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Taslima asks for citizenship