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RE:RE:RE:Another view point
by pnrazdan on Jan 29, 2007 10:38 AM

Mr Kumar, her merit is that she is a liberal writer, the spirit we hold as a leading democracy of the world, she is from a neighbouring country and has a right to ask for refuge and she has been living in this country for the last one year.In a world which is threatened with jehadi interpretation of Islam, we need moderate muslims in all countries who have the courage to condemn what is patently wrong. Let Arundhati Roys say what they want to. It applies equally to them. Indian public has the segacity and wisdom to accept or rebuff these elements.
We are a superpower in the making. We are not creating trouble on our borders but others are doing it to thwart our economic growth and a multi religious character. Superpowers donot tolerate these things at their borders. Remember to what extent USA went when it was threatened in Cuba.
We need to change our weak and timid attitude. Non violence was ok at some stage but it cannot work when nuclear nations exist in our neighbourhood.

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Taslima asks for citizenship