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RE:RE:Another view point
by Purushottam Kumar on Jan 28, 2007 11:34 PM

I don't know what other merit she has and how it will help India. Why are we so overenthusiastic to uphold the right of free speech of a Bangladeshi Citizen. We should be more than happy that Arundhati Roy and Co. enjoy free speech here.
I agree we should have a tougher attitude towards mischief mongers but it is different from having a sympathetic attitude towards Taslima. I don't know how the citizenship issue will make our policies look tougher.
We are not a superpower and shouldn't behave like one. If we want to become a great nation and play a meaningful role internationally, we should refrain from creating trouble in our neighborhood, it will only tie us down in the subcontinent. The west creates trouble in distant lands and not in its own backyard which has the potential of spilling over.

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Taslima asks for citizenship