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Another view point
by Purushottam Kumar on Jan 28, 2007 09:59 PM

Reading the message board made me wonder, why do we always give so much importance to what fundamentalists think? Deepa Mehta was opposed by RSS and does not represent the views of majority moderate Hindus. The government did provide her with security but she choose to move to Sri Lanka because of the threats from Bajrang Dal and Co. Do people opposing Taslima belong to any RSS or Bajrang Dal type muslim organization. I would like to know the views of moderate muslims on this.
Personally I don't want India to start giving shelter to such controversial person (whether right or wrong), the west is there for this purpose. We have lot of our own problems to think about. Also I don't want people of Bangladesh, even the fundamentalists there, to think of India as a shelter of there enemies. How does it help us, we should be pragmatic like china and avoid unnecessary controversy because of our moral and ethical leanings. A good and friendly image of India in the eyes of Bangladeshi people including fundamentalists is what is needed. We shouldn't let her become an irritant in our relations. We should always remember the she is no one to us...let us take care of our own house.

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Taslima asks for citizenship