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RE:Some questions...
by on Jan 29, 2007 02:48 PM

I am sorry my English isn't good but here is clarification to your non-sense:
1. It is not true. Non-Muslim can practice their religions but not in public. Also they are not allowed to display their religious symbols like "a cross" in the public.
2. This is not true even. I dont know where you find this stupid compensation thing.
3. It is not allowed to build places of worship for non-muslims in a muslim country. But if the place of worship already exist, non-muslims are allowed to visit them. But they should do that with no intention to spread their religion.
4. Yes, it is not allowed to preach any other religion other than islam. I can go on explaining why but I am sure dumb heads like you will never understand. Its like explaining a vegetarian guy the taste of meat.
5. Yes they spend money on building religious institutions, unlike you. You shouldn't be concerned if they do that.
6. I think you are a kind of person who listens to CNN & watch cartoons. Let me give you an example here. If your mom is sick and she is asking you to get a glass of water and you sit beside her. Instead of getting her a glass of water you go telling her that "mom I love you" what will you get in return??? a kiss or a slap on your face. Thats what happened in Afghanistan. Now tell me why were statues destroyed after several years of taliban ruling the country. Do your homework first or stop preaching your stupidity.
7. Because your so called democratic governements are corrupted to the limit that they are ready to sell their own mommy ;). They are responsible for killings thousands & thousands in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Chechenya, Somalia, Phillipines etc.. Check the records, its not only muslims who are fighting the evil but also some good intelligent hindus who support and fight with us in the cause like in kashmir.

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