The present development in India is based on the western model led by the USA. This model requires more and more energy to sustain an ever-increasing growth. This forces the need for alternative energy like nuclear energy. The hallmark of this model is that islands of prosperity flourish at the cost of a sea of poverty all around. A few western nations have prospered while most other nations have not. Within a country like India some urban areas prosper while the rural areas suffer.
What India and most of the world requires is a development model which is inclusive of all sections. This does not require more and more energy but more concern for the left out sections and an integrative way of thinking.
The PM who stands for the western model of development, is naturally interested in going ahead with the nuke deal. India needs to develop its own way of development and be a model to the rest of the world. Signing the nuke deal commits India to a failed model, which promises to deliver but ends up leaving a trail of exploitation of man and nature and disharmony.
RE:What matters is the kind of development
by Cool Customer on Jun 21, 2008 06:34 PM Permalink
This type of daydream views are absolutely ridiculous! These ideologists have neither any scientific foundation nor any business or economic foundation. I would be very interested to know what indigenous way can benefit poor masses and not demand energy. Whether integrated (I assume a socialism driven control mechanism of regulating demand) development or independent right driven access to energy, the per capita consumption is going to increase. And to satisfy that demand- option is to indulge in fossil fuel driven energy like the Left says and remain 80-100 years back or to catch up and tackle upcoming problems. Sustainability in energy remains the biggest threat for future generations. If we do not act now, we doom them to clutches of either technology slavery or even greater hardhship.
Please get over this anti-colonialist rebel syndrome. We are free and we chose what is good for us.
RE:What matters is the kind of development
by ashok leyland on Jun 21, 2008 10:45 PM Permalink
Mr.Padhmanabhan is absolutely correct. We DO need different forms of development that is certainly NOT what the west proposes. We need is to rethink our necessities, propose programmes to actuate asap, whereby we are not dependent on fossil energy, on oil imports. Wind & solar energy systems would distance us from any external blackmail by rising prices. This energy could be supplied to rural & urban areas. We should harness rain water, preserve ground water table at high levels by planting, NOT cutting trees, that are today’s main energy source to the rural and urban poor. We must incorporate healthy biological argricultural practises that will eliminate expensive polluting chemical plants. All together we need a fresh outlook, a way of harmonising our lives with nature AS WE DID once. Our biodiversity must be protected, & discards of agriculture used to produce energy and fertiliser (compost). We can’t and mustn’t think that cell phones, discos and internet are the only forms of progress, and IT professionals the only future of India. We don’t all need computers, but we all eat food. We don’t need cell phones, but potable (drinking) water. We don’t need high rise buildings, but decent shelter for all our citizens. We need to discriminate between the necessities and the superfluous. If you still believe in the out & out capitalism of the US and west, read a bit about the actual financial crises and lack of resources that the west suffers from be
RE:RE:What matters is the kind of development
by ashok leyland on Jun 21, 2008 10:48 PM Permalink
contd. discriminate between the necessities and the superfluous. If you still believe in the out & out capitalism of the US and west, read a bit about the actual financial crises and lack of resources that the west suffers from because of their short-sighted economics philosophy. What you propose is slavery. Slavery to hi tech solutions that we Indians DO NOT know how to maintain. Nuclear waste is the most toxic substance produced today by man. No one knows what to do with it. Burying it in the depths of the world is the "out of sight, out of mind" concept put to practise. Nature reserves surprises for man, a tsunami, an earthquake of drastic proportions, a disaster as we have yet to see may be seconds away. No man, whether American, European or Japanese will be able to stop the entire world being polluted and intoxicated beyond repair. Nature knows no frontiers. We cannot stop nature taking her course.
RE:RE:RE:What matters is the kind of development
by ashok leyland on Jun 21, 2008 10:48 PM Permalink
contd. discriminate between the necessities and the superfluous. If you still believe in the out & out capitalism of the US and west, read a bit about the actual financial crises and lack of resources that the west suffers from because of their short-sighted economics philosophy. What you propose is slavery. Slavery to hi tech solutions that we Indians DO NOT know how to maintain. Nuclear waste is the most toxic substance produced today by man. No one knows what to do with it. Burying it in the depths of the world is the "out of sight, out of mind" concept put to practise. Nature reserves surprises for man, a tsunami, an earthquake of drastic proportions, a disaster as we have yet to see may be seconds away. No man, whether American, European or Japanese will be able to stop the entire world being polluted and intoxicated beyond repair. Nature knows no frontiers. We cannot stop nature taking her course.
RE:What matters is the kind of development
by Sharad on Jun 21, 2008 11:26 PM Permalink
We should ride bullock carts. It is green and energy efficient.
We should crap in the fields. It is natural, we don't need fertilizer.
We should write on palm leaves, we need no paper factory. Better still, we should go back to NOT WRITING and only pass on knowledge orally.
C'mon, gimme a break. The green nuts have said enough. Let's produce more goods and control the population.
RE:What matters is the kind of development
by ashok leyland on Jun 22, 2008 11:50 AM Permalink
What goods will you produce when you have stripped all resources, and for whom? Where are you going to dispose of all the waste produced, how will you replae all the water that's needed for industry, or don't you know that millions of litres of water is spent on producing one car? You can laugh about bullock carts, why not imporve on them, or horse carriages? Elsewhere in the world, even in the US, there are populations that don't use cars!
I don't believe that I have advocated an expansion in the population's growth so where does your sarcasm come from? Seeing have the nonsense that goes into print and this is not just India, why should we support publishing industry's colossal waste of paper? Think of the millions of copies of the glossy magazines produced in the world that are NOT read, that cannot be recycled!
Think before you write. You and your ilk are those who support so called progress without looking at your own heritage. Think about the "modern" recycling waste concept. It was normal old fashioned Indian way of doing things. Biological agriculture? that's what the western world is proposing today as if it they discovered it. We have been doing this for millennia! Use of natural fibres and dyes for the clothing industry? The west makes a packet on this "new" fashion concept. We and half the world in the East have been doing this forever!
You are one who believes all he reads and sees. Listen to older people who learned through experience. If our youth had half th
RE:What matters is the kind of development
by ashok leyland on Jun 22, 2008 11:51 AM Permalink
What goods will you produce when you have stripped all resources, and for whom? Where are you going to dispose of all the waste produced, how will you replae all the water that's needed for industry, or don't you know that millions of litres of water is spent on producing one car? You can laugh about bullock carts, why not imporve on them, or horse carriages? Elsewhere in the world, even in the US, there are populations that don't use cars!
I don't believe that I have advocated an expansion in the population's growth so where does your sarcasm come from? Seeing have the nonsense that goes into print and this is not just India, why should we support publishing industry's colossal waste of paper? Think of the millions of copies of the glossy magazines produced in the world that are NOT read, that cannot be recycled!
Think before you write. You and your ilk are those who support so called progress without looking at your own heritage. Think about the "modern" recycling waste concept. It was normal old fashioned Indian way of doing things. Biological agriculture? that's what the western world is proposing today as if it they discovered it. We have been doing this for millennia! Use of natural fibres and dyes for the clothing industry? The west makes a packet on this "new" fashion concept. We and half the world in the East have been doing this forever!
You are one who believes all he reads and sees. Listen to older people who learned through experience. If our youth had half th
RE:What matters is the kind of development
by ashok leyland on Jun 22, 2008 11:51 AM Permalink
What goods will you produce when you have stripped all resources, and for whom? Where are you going to dispose of all the waste produced, how will you replae all the water that's needed for industry, or don't you know that millions of litres of water is spent on producing one car? You can laugh about bullock carts, why not imporve on them, or horse carriages? Elsewhere in the world, even in the US, there are populations that don't use cars!
I don't believe that I have advocated an expansion in the population's growth so where does your sarcasm come from? Seeing have the nonsense that goes into print and this is not just India, why should we support publishing industry's colossal waste of paper? Think of the millions of copies of the glossy magazines produced in the world that are NOT read, that cannot be recycled!
Think before you write. You and your ilk are those who support so called progress without looking at your own heritage. Think about the "modern" recycling waste concept. It was normal old fashioned Indian way of doing things. Biological agriculture? that's what the western world is proposing today as if it they discovered it. We have been doing this for millennia! Use of natural fibres and dyes for the clothing industry? The west makes a packet on this "new" fashion concept. We and half the world in the East have been doing this forever!
You are one who believes all he reads and sees. Listen to older people who learned through experience. If our youth had half th
RE:What matters is the kind of development
by ashok leyland on Jun 22, 2008 11:51 AM Permalink
What goods will you produce when you have stripped all resources, and for whom? Where are you going to dispose of all the waste produced, how will you replae all the water that's needed for industry, or don't you know that millions of litres of water is spent on producing one car? You can laugh about bullock carts, why not imporve on them, or horse carriages? Elsewhere in the world, even in the US, there are populations that don't use cars!
I don't believe that I have advocated an expansion in the population's growth so where does your sarcasm come from? Seeing have the nonsense that goes into print and this is not just India, why should we support publishing industry's colossal waste of paper? Think of the millions of copies of the glossy magazines produced in the world that are NOT read, that cannot be recycled!
Think before you write. You and your ilk are those who support so called progress without looking at your own heritage. Think about the "modern" recycling waste concept. It was normal old fashioned Indian way of doing things. Biological agriculture? that's what the western world is proposing today as if it they discovered it. We have been doing this for millennia! Use of natural fibres and dyes for the clothing industry? The west makes a packet on this "new" fashion concept. We and half the world in the East have been doing this forever!
You are one who believes all he reads and sees. Listen to older people who learned through experience. If our youth had half th
RE:RE:RE:What matters is the kind of development
by ashok leyland on Jun 22, 2008 11:53 AM Permalink
You are one who believes all he reads and sees. Listen to older people who learned through experience. If our youth had half the sense that a lot of European and US youth have, they would see through this unbalanced concept of world economics that has simply lined the pockets of a few and sent the rest into poverty and ruin.