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What matters is the kind of development
by Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan on Jun 21, 2008 05:59 PM

The present development in India is based on the western model led by the USA. This model requires more and more energy to sustain an ever-increasing growth. This forces the need for alternative energy like nuclear energy. The hallmark of this model is that islands of prosperity flourish at the cost of a sea of poverty all around. A few western nations have prospered while most other nations have not. Within a country like India some urban areas prosper while the rural areas suffer.

What India and most of the world requires is a development model which is inclusive of all sections. This does not require more and more energy but more concern for the left out sections and an integrative way of thinking.

The PM who stands for the western model of development, is naturally interested in going ahead with the nuke deal. India needs to develop its own way of development and be a model to the rest of the world. Signing the nuke deal commits India to a failed model, which promises to deliver but ends up leaving a trail of exploitation of man and nature and disharmony.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal