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RE:What matters is the kind of development
by ashok leyland on Jun 21, 2008 10:45 PM

Mr.Padhmanabhan is absolutely correct. We DO need different forms of development that is certainly NOT what the west proposes.
We need is to rethink our necessities, propose programmes to actuate asap, whereby we are not dependent on fossil energy, on oil imports. Wind & solar energy systems would distance us from any external blackmail by rising prices.
This energy could be supplied to rural & urban areas. We should harness rain water, preserve ground water table at high levels by planting, NOT cutting trees, that are today’s main energy source to the rural and urban poor.
We must incorporate healthy biological argricultural practises that will eliminate expensive polluting chemical plants. All together we need a fresh outlook, a way of harmonising our lives with nature AS WE DID once. Our biodiversity must be protected, & discards of agriculture used to produce energy and fertiliser (compost). We can’t and mustn’t think that cell phones, discos and internet are the only forms of progress, and IT professionals the only future of India.
We don’t all need computers, but we all eat food. We don’t need cell phones, but potable (drinking) water. We don’t need high rise buildings, but decent shelter for all our citizens. We need to discriminate between the necessities and the superfluous.
If you still believe in the out & out capitalism of the US and west, read a bit about the actual financial crises and lack of resources that the west suffers from be

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