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RE:What matters is the kind of development
by Cool Customer on Jun 21, 2008 06:34 PM

This type of daydream views are absolutely ridiculous! These ideologists have neither any scientific foundation nor any business or economic foundation. I would be very interested to know what indigenous way can benefit poor masses and not demand energy. Whether integrated (I assume a socialism driven control mechanism of regulating demand) development or independent right driven access to energy, the per capita consumption is going to increase. And to satisfy that demand- option is to indulge in fossil fuel driven energy like the Left says and remain 80-100 years back or to catch up and tackle upcoming problems. Sustainability in energy remains the biggest threat for future generations. If we do not act now, we doom them to clutches of either technology slavery or even greater hardhship.

Please get over this anti-colonialist rebel syndrome. We are free and we chose what is good for us.

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