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RE:RE:What matters is the kind of development
by ashok leyland on Jun 21, 2008 10:48 PM

contd. discriminate between the necessities and the superfluous.
If you still believe in the out & out capitalism of the US and west, read a bit about the actual financial crises and lack of resources that the west suffers from because of their short-sighted economics philosophy.
What you propose is slavery. Slavery to hi tech solutions that we Indians DO NOT know how to maintain. Nuclear waste is the most toxic substance produced today by man. No one knows what to do with it. Burying it in the depths of the world is the "out of sight, out of mind" concept put to practise. Nature reserves surprises for man, a tsunami, an earthquake of drastic proportions, a disaster as we have yet to see may be seconds away. No man, whether American, European or Japanese will be able to stop the entire world being polluted and intoxicated beyond repair. Nature knows no frontiers. We cannot stop nature taking her course.

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