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RE:What matters is the kind of development
by ashok leyland on Jun 22, 2008 11:50 AM

What goods will you produce when you have stripped all resources, and for whom? Where are you going to dispose of all the waste produced, how will you replae all the water that's needed for industry, or don't you know that millions of litres of water is spent on producing one car?
You can laugh about bullock carts, why not imporve on them, or horse carriages? Elsewhere in the world, even in the US, there are populations that don't use cars!

I don't believe that I have advocated an expansion in the population's growth so where does your sarcasm come from? Seeing have the nonsense that goes into print and this is not just India, why should we support publishing industry's colossal waste of paper?
Think of the millions of copies of the glossy magazines produced in the world that are NOT read, that cannot be recycled!

Think before you write. You and your ilk are those who support so called progress without looking at your own heritage. Think about the "modern" recycling waste concept. It was normal old fashioned Indian way of doing things. Biological agriculture? that's what the western world is proposing today as if it they discovered it. We have been doing this for millennia! Use of natural fibres and dyes for the clothing industry? The west makes a packet on this "new" fashion concept. We and half the world in the East have been doing this forever!

You are one who believes all he reads and sees. Listen to older people who learned through experience. If our youth had half th

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