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by new media on Feb 11, 2008 05:35 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Like any other relegion Islam also preaches good things and aims to make it followers good people, but unfortunately some evil forces claiming to be friends of Islam has become the biggest enemies of Muslims. Read the exerpts form some recent press reports given below.
1. Muslim students being evicted from hostels (read private paying guest accomodations)in Hubli-Dharwad, after the arrest of two medical students suspected to be linked with terrorist out fits. The fact is that many muslim landloards also started the strategy of not giving staying accomodation to Muslim students. Why should we invite unnecessary problems, they ask.
2. The arrested people had reportedly said that, they will get Rs 50000 per person send to the terrorist group. Yes everything is for a business!!Their job is to brianwash young people and make them fit for these terrorist groups.HR Service with a very high profit!!
My dear brothers... please stop this non-sence. Your activities are badly affecting the entire Muslim community who loves to live peacefully. Now the situation is that even our Muslim brotheren started suspecting us!! let us not be the scape goats of these money making hidden agenda of the terrorists. India is our motherland, let's pray for its unity and integrity. Letus be real Muslims following the real Islam. LET US LIVE AS MUSLIMS NOT ACT AND LIVE.

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by silenzer on Feb 11, 2008 05:57 AM  Permalink
Hello 'New Media', do you know the meaning of real islam? What the terrorists are following is the real islam. If you read Quran and hadees, you will acknowledge that the danger of terrorism lies in their scriptures. Don't act like a pseudo secular. The prophet of which religion forcibly attacked a temple and converted people en mass through sword?

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by stav on Feb 11, 2008 06:03 AM  Permalink
there are many traditions in islam, just like there are many traditions among hindus. Sufism according to me is real islam, the religion of kabir and many other islamic saints. indian muslims should reject the corrupt wahabi islam.

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by Hind on Feb 11, 2008 06:29 AM  Permalink
What do you gain by attacking their Prophet when the guy is appealing for peace. Even being a psudo secular ok if its for peace. Its true that some normal muslim landlords in bangalore are averse to rent to muslims. Please Reply befittingly to only those guys, who call our religion names and try to convert by demeaning our religion. Its no problem if other guys praise their religion. Most of them are like any other Indians, struggle for roti, kapada and makan.

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by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 06:30 AM  Permalink
silenzer tell me where islam was forced forcibly???
its totally unlawfull in islam.
Islam commands to safe the other religious sites.
to safe all humanity irrespective of religion.
in arab country u will find temples and churches as free as here in india.

u say in our scriptures lies terrorism???

what about mahabharat, the whole book is full of terrorism and killings???

The Lord Krishna says to Arjun Pick up ur sword and kill your brothers???

Isnt it the height of terrorism in hindu's religious book?????

better u read ur scriptures first and then qoute on other religions.

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by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 06:42 AM  Permalink
there is no place of terrorism in islam..islam condemn any peice of terrorism.
if few people are indulge in this act then they have face the concequenses by Allah..here and here after..
killing of childrens, old, women, damaging religious sites of any religion, suicide attacks
all these are unlawfull..nothing is allowed in islam..its totally haram
but if few people are into it then why to blame all muslims???
to all my indian fellows my point was that before making insult to my religion better study it.
USA wanted to get hold of oil in gulf..and its policy is to term islam as a terrorist religion..why you are not calling USA a terrorist country after killing millions in Japan, Veitnam, Germany,Russia..why???
during WWII 20million Russians were killed..then why you are not calling christians as a terrorists.

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by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 06:41 AM  Permalink
mr.khan, ur comments really expose ur level of education and understanding. plz keep ur mouth sut as everybody is laughing at you. you do not even understand what is story, what is fiction, what has been written when in what context. you are a really lost case. you do not understand what is metaphor, what is abstract thought, what is human psychology, what should be interpreted in the context of the 21st century?

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by stav on Feb 11, 2008 06:04 AM  Permalink
very good post new media, you rightly said jehadis have insulted islam more than any one else.

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by TongInChic on Feb 11, 2008 05:48 AM  Permalink
Your statement is very positive. The acts of a bunch of extremists is giving the rest of Moslems a bad name.
This problem cannot be solved by any one from outside the community; it has to be solved by the Moslems themselves.
They have to stand up and not let the extremists hijack their world.

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These boards must be banned
by bawlachintu on Feb 11, 2008 04:53 AM  Permalink 

Rediff is providing a platform for religious fanaticsm and hatred through these posts. It is shameful to read 99% of these posts. Just shows where our country is heading with such rotten minds that preach hatred and terrorism. I am sorry to say but a vast majority of digusting thoughts are from members who seem to be hindus. Is this what you have learnt from religion.

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Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by india salute on Feb 11, 2008 03:55 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hello guys,
I have gone through few post from my Islam friends and I think they are lacking of basic education and knowledge because most of them are educated from a Madrasa and their brain were washed by Imam. Here topic is terrorist activity (Militants involved in IISc, CRPF camp attacks arrested) and it was found that all people arrested are from Islam community. I'm not saying all muslim is bad because there are good muslim like Abdul Kalam, Premji etc. In some post they compared traffic law with terrorist activity? It is so foolish. I think they should know different kind of law like criminal law, cvil law etc..Some places they are saying uncivilized Shariti law etc..I think these Islam friends should first go to some civilized good school for education ( NOT IN MADRASA) and then come to a forum for any discussion..
It is our duty to educate most of the muslim friends bringing into some civilized school so that they can be good Indian muslim like Abdul Kalam, Premji.. All the best!!!

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RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 05:55 AM  Permalink
i cant understand u people..directly u make assertion, that if im from madarsa and brain washed,he is a jehadi....tell me how many muslims are terrorist??? much less than LTTE and ULFA.
why dont u people do something???
Ask ur leaders to term all Indian Muslims as terrorists...or do one more thing start civil-war and try to eliminate us....then you will see a real jehad??
U idiot only few hundreds are involved in terrorism...20 crore muslims are more Indian than u,they care about India more than u.

You people are doing great job..u are making Indian muslims to think that where are they standing???
why they are suspected?
so the way you are making things difficult by poisoning hate in your community then definately one day there will be a civil war here....
God save My India from these MORONS...
u people are mentally-sick..insane.

i cant understand u people..directly u make assertion, that if im from madarsa and brain washed,he is a jehadi....tell me how many muslims are terrorist??? much less than LTTE and ULFA.
why dont u people do something???
Ask ur leaders to term all Indian Muslims as terrorists...or do one more thing start civil-war and try to eliminate us....then you will see a real jehad??
U idiot only few hundreds are involved in terrorism...20 crore muslims are more Indian than u,they care about India more than u.

You people are doing great job..u are making Indian muslims to think that where are they standing???

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RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by Praveen on Feb 11, 2008 09:03 AM  Permalink
Hi Shahab,
(Full disclosure: I am sympathiser of the right wing Hindu ideology).
I understand your points. Unfortunately you belong to a negligable minority among the Muslims and therein lies the problem.
Hindus have to brace themselves up for the fight with the Jehadis. There is no other way (other than succumbing to it) so the religious fanaticism will rise among the Hindus. It is the need of the day.
You sound like a sane person. Please enlighten us by answering this question: Is killing and raping of the Pagans sanctioned by Quran ?. (the answer is yes as per independent sources - you may contradict that)
If so, Muslims, by definition, have to be eliminate the Hindus. Now the Hindus have two options 1. get eliminated or 2. fight the predators.
If you were a Hindu which will you choose?.
If you choose "2" will you label yourselves as a "sick and insane" moron?

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RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by ajith v on Feb 11, 2008 06:00 AM  Permalink
I think its time to watch out this jihadi also, from his reply seems that he is also a terrorist.dont waste your life man , do osmething good for you and for the others, Muslims are doing what kuran told not to do.. marrying 5-6 ladies,terrorism, killing innocent people ,rolling blackmoney, smuggling ,,,,

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RE:RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 06:21 AM  Permalink
ajit if we say a word then immediately u start screaming and started blaming as a jehadi.
very sad.
do u know why 4 marriages are allowed??
scientifically always women are less in number than males.
During war or calamities these number goes up.
To maintain their dignity and to check prostitution and many more reason..we are allowed to marry upto 4..so to safe gaurd them and to give them status of a married women .
As far as ur Mahabharat...dropdi married 5 men...what do u say on this???

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RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by ajith v on Feb 11, 2008 06:49 AM  Permalink
But people are thinking practically and not doinga s per books or old history, If youa re tellingt hat marrying 4 women for protection why muslims are doing talaque, without that you can marry more, what is the need of talaque, it is nothing but divorse, Also usually after getting a child the guys will do talaque and marry another,, this is a type of legal prostitution . This is too much , this shoudnt allow in any religion.

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RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by bawlachintu on Feb 11, 2008 07:25 AM  Permalink
The kind of rubbish and abusive language and hatred that is promoted by this board suggests that its a section of hindus that need to be educated.
It is apparent from these boards that hindu fanaticsm and extermism is the biggest problem of our country.
Abusing the minorities and their belifs only pant a sorry picture about hindus and hinduism.

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RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by ajith v on Feb 11, 2008 05:39 AM  Permalink
Shahab, Dont get angry, when you watch properly and open your eyes you can see how many muslims are involved in terrorism and supporting terorism,. If the parens doesnt want the waste muslim children let them think about another way or they would have thought earlier instead of making childrens as terrorist and encouraging. Now a days its difficult to mingle with muslim students even if sit in same bench, we dont know he will fire or doing bomb blast, that is the situtation now.So in madrasas insted of making bombs and reading kuran better educate some common sense. Elders has to take care, what to say,,, even they are also terrorists. god only can save ..can u compare how mnay people are getting killed by muslim terorirst and ulfa, cna check the percentage and reply please

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RE:RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 06:14 AM  Permalink
ajit i know what is goin on???
im not angry..what im saying is that instead of pouring poison..try to spread peace.
always there are reason if something happens..even in a rail accident,air crash anything there will be some reason..so if more muslims are becoming jehadis then there must be a reason..so instead of finding the truth people starts blaming it resulting in more terrorists.
Taleban is a product of USA, Bin laden was supported and trained by CIA and pentagon...USA had set training camps in Pakistan to trained them..but aftr afganistan become independent USA thought they are so powerfull that they will ruin pakistan..this was the point when USA declared them terrorist, earlier they were freedom fighters.
Dou know laden was trained on american soil..and CIA along with the US-marines gave him all the training..
my question is why we are following false reports of media and why we think all muslims are terrorist..imagine if all muslims become terrorist then what will happen?????

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RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by on Feb 11, 2008 08:06 AM  Permalink
Brother, no one liked to be called as Terrorist. When word "Terrorism" is linked to a perticular religoin or community that irks people. When western media and other outfits started attacking Islam and interfering in islami these fundamentalists started their reactions. The world can be a better place to live if people stop interfering in others matters and do his own job sincerely.

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RE:RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 06:03 AM  Permalink
shekhar the way u r potraying shows u r the one who are in th emaking of hindu terrorists..
i think u r from RSS terrorist gang..
my intention was to wake u up.

i termed that by suspecting all muslims u will make million more.
by dividing hindu-muslims u will only create bigger problem.
In Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,SUdan, Philipine, all these are freedom fighters..same like in the past we had bhagat singh,bismil,ashfaqullah khan..and sooo many...

for u they are terrorists..but for them they are freedom fighters...and they are fighting againsts USA, the most powerfull nation..atleast they have courage to fight against them..u people even dont have courage to fight in kashmir or in assam..if u are soo much patroit then go and fight in kashmir...i will be there in support of u and i will fight against them.

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Now give these islamic terrorists BHARAT RATNA
by Kolhapuri on Feb 11, 2008 03:33 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

and let them sit besides Afzal Guru in Sonia's home.

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RE:Now give these islamic terrorists BHARAT RATNA
by ajith v on Feb 11, 2008 05:41 AM  Permalink
this may happen in a couple of yeras, becoz UPA , Comminusts and crying for power..

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by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 03:29 AM  Permalink
The most corrupt and mediocre countries of the world are the Islamic countries. Arab illiteracy today is at 1 in 3. The small state of Israel produces 1000 times more books and papers than all Arab states put together. Islam may not even last for another 20 years with such progress.

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by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 04:46 AM  Permalink
shekhar do u believe in scientists upon the matter expansion theory about hanuman?????

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by zulu zulu on Feb 11, 2008 04:08 AM  Permalink
Pl. check you origin.

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by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 03:29 AM  Permalink
All Islamic countries are going down the drain everyday, and all non Islamic countries are excelling in science, technology, education, research, art, sports, music, films every day. Only mediocre people will one day understand that they lost out in life because of talking too much about religion.

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by rahul gupta on Feb 11, 2008 04:50 AM  Permalink
bawlachintu , u dont even have a name...
that suggests ur multiple dads

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by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 04:45 AM  Permalink
Mr.kolhapuri...suicide in Islam is haram..so there is no question what they will get aftr death.
if few people are doing this then its very very very bad.

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by Shekhar Suman on Feb 11, 2008 04:56 AM  Permalink

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RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:01 AM  Permalink
U are such a stupid day dreamer...before wiping out Muslims from India...u have to face USA..the great America...coz aftr two decades America will hold maximum number of muslims, b'coz christians(white/black both) are converting into Islam like anything...
from scientists to students, from Defence to services..any thing..
so better for u to start reading Quran now..so that u will know what exactly it preaches..no war, no hate, no communalism, no crime...even the Catholic Church in Uk called upon The Govt to introduce Islamic Sharia Law to check the crime in UK such as for rapes, killings,etc..u can check at BBC News on 8th of this month.
coz Islam is a guidance and Quran is the Book to read and follow its laws.

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RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:20 AM  Permalink
u idiot i want u to know that the firts voice came out..so in a decade u will see the change..
atleast it had started..the archbishops are supporting islamic laws..so one day the world will stand for it..and you too.

and it was turned down...simple reason..if u will cheat ur hand will be chopped off..

if u will be kill then same thing will be done to u also..
sooo my dear who want himself to be governed by the laws..but in Islam, Law doesnt differentiate in the power or position..unlike here in East or in West...so if the sharia law is passed in UK then most of its people will have to face a severe punishment..isnt..even the Prime Ministers or Presidents.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 03:23 AM  Permalink
The most corrupt and mediocre countries of the world are the Islamic countries. Arab illiteracy today is at 1 in 3. The small state of Israel produces 1000 times more books and papers than all Arab states put together. Islam may not even last for another 20 years with such progress.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:57 AM  Permalink
u confused man....islam is getting stronger and stronger by each passing day.
Now it has already completed 1500 years...and it was then when there were no resource of knowing other religions..in present day with lots of technology Islam is spreading like when Sun Light kills the darkness of night.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 04:29 AM  Permalink
hahahaaa u are really an idiot shekhar...
if the whole world dont like us then what for u are afraid of???
why USA and other countries are afraid of?

Look life is too short...its upon u to deliver the messages for humanity..

but if msgs carry hate and ill-spirit then u have to face your GOD oneday to tell Him the reason???
No religion speaks about hate..or distruction.
we dont hate anyone..all are equal..but people like u will suffer on the day of judgement..when no one will come to ur rescue..u will be accountable for disrespecting other religions.
we dont hate hindus or christians..its your choice what ever u like to follow.
but i donno why i want you to read about islam from a true source not the one which are being potrayed by media.
i donno why im asking u to read Quran..and to know the essence and sweetness of islam..

If you are short of Love then its my request Please dont spread hate if u cant give love.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:22 AM  Permalink
please read if u kill then same thing will be done with u..ur head will be chopped off

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RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 04:21 AM  Permalink
okay shekhar..just open youtube and in search u type american muslims and there u will find few white american convert muslims.

may be you will get some interest to know islam better.

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RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 05:06 AM  Permalink
i know the world population...and muslims in this whole world.
total 6 billions earth population
apprx 2 billions are Muslims.

i cant understand my fellow indians....you can say what ever u wish..but if we muslims says anything then imeediatley you start blaming him as jehadi....its nothing just ur way of thinking and the manner u r brought up..total cummunal way.
sometimes i feel ashamed of u people..having so much poison in ur heart..and also what teaching u r getting from ur religion....u people are just playing with ur religion...
if u follow ur religion in true mnanner then i know u wont pour venom here..instead u will teach love and peace..

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RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 05:11 AM  Permalink
fromm Mr.Shekhar..........
u PERVERT DISTORTER OF FACTS - draupadi was married to 5 brothers because of accidental promise made to mother kkunti (read up the story) ... does not apply in my case
when a king marries 4 wives he can still be great, but if a woman has 5 husbands due to quirk of fate, she is ill-chractered ? u need to understand total equality of men and women, before comprehending ethos of hinduism
my reply..
was she ill-character as shekhar said??? this is what u think about women????

was it an error as quoted by Mr.shekhar..
a divine scripture can be a scripture with errors????

very strange??????

God's words can never be of any errors...if there are errors then it cant be a God or God's Book...thats it

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RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:25 AM  Permalink
shekhar which state do u line in USA...Go n check in Texas..Virginia..Specially in Latin America..please go ahead and check..better u call BBC world service for mmore information and they will give u the exact places where u will find muslims to ur amusement.

but i really need to know where do u reside in USA..so that i can help u to locate masses of white american muslims.

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RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 03:28 AM  Permalink
The most corrupt and mediocre countries of the world are the Islamic countries. Arab illiteracy today is at 1 in 3. The small state of Israel produces 1000 times more books and papers than all Arab states put together. Islam may not even last for another 20 years with such progress.

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RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 04:19 AM  Permalink
dear confused..u r totally confused....the most corrupt people are you..who are in the influence of some Modi kinda leaders..
Taking bribe, irregularities in all work.
dis-respect for ur fellow indians.
rape..is sooo common in india???
murder is the cheapest thing.
and u say Arabs are corrupt..HAHAHA..
in Arab u cant think of a crime..because of punishment.
so better if we enforce Sharia law here in india..then we will get rid off more than 90% crime

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RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by india salute on Feb 11, 2008 03:36 AM  Permalink
Hi shahab khan,
I have gone through your few post and I think your education is from a madrasa and your brain is washed by Imam. Here topic is terrorist activity (Militants involved in IISc, CRPF camp attacks arrested) and it was found that all people arrested are from Islam community. I'm not saying all muslim is bad because there are good muslim like Abdul Kalam, Premji etc. In some post you compared traffic law with terrorist activity? It is so foolish. I think you should know different kind of law like crininal law, cvil law etc..Here you are saying uncivilized Shariti law..I think you should first go to some civilized good school for education ( NOT IN MADRASA) and then come to a forum for any discussion..
Khan - Try to be a good Indian muslim like Abdul Kalam, Premji.. All the best!!!

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RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 04:04 AM  Permalink
look i tell u im very much secular..and i love humanity and to me all human irrespective of caste and religion are my brothers...but few people here who are spreading venom against my religion is not fare..
so im just asking them few questions and im trying to give answeres to few of them.

if i ask anyone that what he did for our nation..then the answere will be one ..spreading hate???
my religion doesnt allow me to do this..terrorism..if few muslims are involved then its their matter...they r wrong ..suicide attacks are haram in islam..even during war its not allowed to kill any older person, any sick patient, childrens, and women.
Distruction of any religious shrine or temple is totally prohibited.
thats why i was saying to all of these people that atleast first read Quran so that they will know what is it??
by watching few people dont blame all muslims.

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RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 05:00 AM  Permalink
fromm Mr.Shekhar..........
u PERVERT DISTORTER OF FACTS - draupadi was married to 5 brothers because of accidental promise made to mother kkunti (read up the story) ... does not apply in my case
when a king marries 4 wives he can still be great, but if a woman has 5 husbands due to quirk of fate, she is ill-chractered ? u need to understand total equality of men and women, before comprehending ethos of hinduism
my reply..
was she ill-character as shekhar said??? this is what u think about women????

was it an error as quoted by Mr.shekhar..
a divine scripture can be a scripture with errors????

very strange??????

God's words can never be of any errors...if there are errors then it cant be a God or God's Book...thats it

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 04:08 AM  Permalink
Mr.Shekhar i had stayed many many years in London..now im in States...so im quite familier what is happening there.
if u need any help to know about Islam then we will sit together and discuss..either in LA or in california..or you may call me if you really want to discuss both religion in a nice friendly manner...so that your doubt as well as mine doubt would be erased.

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RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 04:32 AM  Permalink
dear not only christians but few hindus also...give me ur mail id i will post u the links

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RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 03:06 AM  Permalink
All Islamic countries are going down the drain everyday, and all non Islamic countries are excelling science, technology, education, research every day. Only mediocre people will one day understand that they lost out in life because of talking too much about religion.

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RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 02:52 AM  Permalink
u r tired and u r going to finish us, come i will show u. dont forget that u r follower of a coward and u all are the same

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RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Feb 11, 2008 02:53 AM  Permalink

Jehadis along with jehad will be buried in India.

Make no mistake abt that!

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RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:06 AM  Permalink
Mr. shekhar ...do u hv a daughter...if yes then she is most un-secure there with u???
during holi what happenes i know very well???
hindus even touch sensitive parts of their cousin sisters.shame on u.

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RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:09 AM  Permalink
If Ram was brave then how come he took the help of a Monkey???

convince me that he put fire in lanka through his tail???

prove me...how he can carry whole of himalaya on his palm..because he donno the remedy for Lakshman.

if he brought whole of himalaya then our scientists can prove it now..
the joint will be there..m i right???

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:53 AM  Permalink
please shekhar i need to know that matter which was involved in expansion of hanuman...
look still u have a chance..once death will trap u then u wont get another chance to know Islam..
its really my utter desire for you and i Pray to Allah that atleast you get some divine light..so that u start comparasion study in Islam and Hinduism.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:42 AM  Permalink
shekhar....tell me which was the matter involved in the making of hanuman..sothat he can expand???

it will be a revolution in science..u idiot..matter cannot expand it only changes its forms and if comes in contact with other matter then it only form a type bond but initially it is intact.

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RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:38 AM  Permalink
rahul tell me..why Droupdi was shared by 5 men...
Tell me is it okay with you if all of your brothers share your wife???

This is what your Books says??

before saying non-sense about other religion better u read ur books firts.

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RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:04 AM  Permalink
Mr.shekhar tell me was sita pure when she came back to ayodhya???
if she was pure..then why Ram asked her to testify in Fire??
even aftr succsessfully testified Ram Kicked her out in jungle???
wasnt he sure that luv-Kush were his own son????

explain it me???

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RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:44 AM  Permalink
who was the father of sita???????

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RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 04:49 AM  Permalink
then how come that sita was found in a mud-pot in a field???

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RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 03:07 AM  Permalink
All Islamic countries are going down the drain everyday, and all non Islamic countries are excelling science, technology, education, research, art, sports, music, films every day. Only mediocre people will one day understand that they lost out in life because of talking too much about religion.

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RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:14 AM  Permalink
u r already confused mind so better u open youtube and check the muslims in america and u will know what is the truth...tell me in which country islam is going down????
name any one country???

no one know the destiny???

what i think is we are very close to world war III....and this will be a nuclear war..and will be fought inbetween Muslims and Christians.
sooo what will be the fate???
God knows..so better if we live peacefully coz we world dont have much time left...in a decade or more.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by rahul gupta on Feb 11, 2008 03:15 AM  Permalink

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 04:54 AM  Permalink
Rahul u say Muslims are parasites and bacteria..thats y spreading faster....okay..then my dear u too are immune...sooner or later u will recognize the truth of light...better u study my religion to know better of all.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by bawlachintu on Feb 11, 2008 04:45 AM  Permalink
Rahul ji

also hindu fanatics like you fall in this category.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by rahul gupta on Feb 11, 2008 05:00 AM  Permalink
nameless guys who do not have an identity are a proof of the virus India is filled with

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RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:49 AM  Permalink
so Mr. shekhar why dont you give your wife a little honour in having all your brothers in her bed...
and by allowing this you wont make any thing against your religion..isnt??
it will be of great pride and follow of your religion allowing your wife to have all your brothers into bed.

First follow your religion properly..and promise me you will start tonite..all the best for you and ur wife and your brothers.

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RE:Anyway, don;t worry- BJP will handle Western Uttar Pradesh :)-
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 03:25 AM  Permalink
The most corrupt and mediocre countries of the world are the Islamic countries. Arab illiteracy today is at 1 in 3. The small state of Israel produces 1000 times more books and papers than all Arab states put together. Islam may not even last for another 20 years with such progress, other than Turkey which is aggressively secular.

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RE:Anyway, don;t worry- BJP will handle Western Uttar Pradesh :)-
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 04:17 AM  Permalink
dear confused..u r totally confused....the most corrupt people are you..who are in the influence of some Modi kinda leaders..
Taking bribe, irregularities in all work.
dis-respect for ur fellow indians.
rape..is sooo common in india???
murder is the cheapest thing.
and u say Arabs are corrupt..HAHAHA..
in Arab u cant think of a crime..because of punishment.
so better if we enforce Sharia law here in india..then we will get rid off more than 90% crime.

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RE:Anyway, don;t worry- BJP will handle Western Uttar Pradesh :)-
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 03:12 AM  Permalink
All Islamic countries are going down the drain everyday, and all non Islamic countries are excelling science, technology, education, research, art, sports, music, films every day. Only mediocre people will one day understand that they lost out in life because of talking too much about religion.

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RE:Western Uttar Pradesh has become a den of Jehadi Islam
by Ashish G on Feb 11, 2008 02:24 AM  Permalink
Can we look at finding solutions for the future, instead of criticizing the past?

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RE:Western Uttar Pradesh has become a den of Jehadi Islam
by KK on Feb 11, 2008 02:36 AM  Permalink
As long as Shekhar Suman like people are there there will not be any Solution.How always People should fight on the bases of Religion.
Shame On Such Shekhar Suman's

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RE:RE:Western Uttar Pradesh has become a den of Jehadi Islam
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 02:53 AM  Permalink
will u remain loyal to india and not hinduism

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RE:Western Uttar Pradesh has become a den of Jehadi Islam
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 04:12 AM  Permalink
shekhar what about ur Mahabharat...which is full of terrorism.....terrorisms against their own brothers...first check ur scriptures then blame any other religion.

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RE:Western Uttar Pradesh has become a den of Jehadi Islam
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Feb 11, 2008 02:39 AM  Permalink



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RE:Western Uttar Pradesh has become a den of Jehadi Islam
by Yash Bhatnagar on Feb 11, 2008 02:32 AM  Permalink
Tathgata - u are making it sound as if our society -minus the Muslims would be PERFECT.
Mate, we are a corrupt society where goondagardi and corruption are socially acceptable realities. You turn the TV on and see semi naked women gyrating with semi naked men - titallating the front benchers in the name of art - this is because of what? You have people like Rahul Gandhi groomed to become the next PM of the world's largest democracy based on what merit? Advani is the next PM candidate based on what?
Our Lord Rama had four mothers - he respected his father's wishes - did not accuse him of polygamy and disobey him. Lord Krishna remained friends with Pandav's inspite of them sharing Draupadi. Problem in our country is that we are hypocites - quick to blame others for the mess our socitey is in. People who commit crimes in the name of religion - are petty criminals - these crimes can be committed by a street lowlife or a well educated politician dressed in Armani - remember Jagdish Tytler, Dara Singh, Shahabuddin - some treat them as heroes some like me as pieces of s...t.

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RE:Western Uttar Pradesh has become a den of Jehadi Islam
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Feb 11, 2008 02:37 AM  Permalink

Yash Taquiyya Bhatnagar!

Go and preach these in kashmir, Bangladesh and Pakistan! Or even in Western UP.


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RE:RE:Western Uttar Pradesh has become a den of Jehadi Islam
by Onie on Feb 11, 2008 02:43 AM  Permalink
eh Tathagata you seem to know this taquiyya waquiyya stuff better than anyone else on this forum. Did you attend any terror camps LOL? Too bad you spent all this time learning a few words of jihadi speak when you could have spent it understanding our country's history and traditions.

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RE:Western Uttar Pradesh has become a den of Jehadi Islam
by Onie on Feb 11, 2008 02:40 AM  Permalink
tathagata you are such a phata dhol, parotting your message of hate. Go get a life man. Before sounding off on what a mess Gandhi made, please give us some example of what have you done for this country? Help us appreciate you greatness so that we may better receive your wisdom. Otherwise stop your mud-slinging - you are a blot on the face of hinduism

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RE:Western Uttar Pradesh has become a den of Jehadi Islam
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Feb 11, 2008 02:43 AM  Permalink



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RE:These Jehadis can be crushed in one day: the day Hindus are united
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 02:20 AM  Permalink
and cowards species will extinct one day

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RE:These Jehadis can be crushed in one day: the day Hindus are united
by Vasanth Srinivas on Feb 11, 2008 02:21 AM  Permalink
As your species... right...?

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RE:These Jehadis can be crushed in one day: the day Hindus are united
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 02:27 AM  Permalink
no urs, and all ram follower who was a coward to kill bali by treachery

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RE:Here is a fool called as Shekhar Suman who is ignorant about the Truth and gives False quotes from Holy books.
by KK on Feb 11, 2008 02:34 AM  Permalink
Your Data is from All Jewish Sides who propagtes this lies you seems to the follower of them.
Don't follow such False
Read Quran with Open Mind You will know the truth.
Again Shame On You.

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RE:RE:Here is a fool called as Shekhar Suman who is ignorant about the Truth and gives False quotes from Holy books.
by Francis Alvarez on Feb 11, 2008 02:40 AM  Permalink
why shkehar suman u reported my post again for abuse. dont u dare to listen?

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RE:RE:Here is a fool called as Shekhar Suman who is ignorant about the Truth and gives False quotes from Holy books.
by Onie on Feb 11, 2008 02:57 AM  Permalink
Shekhar every religion has its inconsistencies - no religion can be taken literally. Any rational mind can doubt that Jesus was born of a virgin birth, that Moses parted the red sea, that Ravana had ten heads or that Ram had an army of monkeys. Yet all these legends have a kernel of truth that become embellished over generations of story telling. That is how history becomes legend. The definition of a fanatic who insists that his religion is logically flawless but who then applies logic to discredit other religions.

Stop worrying about the historical validity of Islam - leave that for muslims. The issue is not the historical validity of Islam or any other religion - the issue is the increasing narrowness and chauvinism of people like you who believe that in order for your religion to be good, other religions have to be proven bad.

Just remember this - religious fundamentalism is a huge problem but the problem is fundamentalism, not the religion. If your ambition was to counter Islamic fundamentalism, I would applaud you. But your agenda is really to replace Islamic fundamentalism with Hindu fundamentalism. That is where people like you and Tathagata make me sick - the more shrill your warcries in favour of hinduism get, the less true a hindu you sound.

Friendly advice: read the Bhagavad Gita, read Swami Vivekananda - try to tap into the enormous wisdowm and richness of philosophy in hinduism. And then you will see just how anti hindu your hate is.

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