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Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by india salute on Feb 11, 2008 03:55 AM

Hello guys,
I have gone through few post from my Islam friends and I think they are lacking of basic education and knowledge because most of them are educated from a Madrasa and their brain were washed by Imam. Here topic is terrorist activity (Militants involved in IISc, CRPF camp attacks arrested) and it was found that all people arrested are from Islam community. I'm not saying all muslim is bad because there are good muslim like Abdul Kalam, Premji etc. In some post they compared traffic law with terrorist activity? It is so foolish. I think they should know different kind of law like criminal law, cvil law etc..Some places they are saying uncivilized Shariti law etc..I think these Islam friends should first go to some civilized good school for education ( NOT IN MADRASA) and then come to a forum for any discussion..
It is our duty to educate most of the muslim friends bringing into some civilized school so that they can be good Indian muslim like Abdul Kalam, Premji.. All the best!!!

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Militants in IISc, CRPF attacks held