Hello guys, I have gone through few post from my Islam friends and I think they are lacking of basic education and knowledge because most of them are educated from a Madrasa and their brain were washed by Imam. Here topic is terrorist activity (Militants involved in IISc, CRPF camp attacks arrested) and it was found that all people arrested are from Islam community. I'm not saying all muslim is bad because there are good muslim like Abdul Kalam, Premji etc. In some post they compared traffic law with terrorist activity? It is so foolish. I think they should know different kind of law like criminal law, cvil law etc..Some places they are saying uncivilized Shariti law etc..I think these Islam friends should first go to some civilized good school for education ( NOT IN MADRASA) and then come to a forum for any discussion.. It is our duty to educate most of the muslim friends bringing into some civilized school so that they can be good Indian muslim like Abdul Kalam, Premji.. All the best!!!
RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 05:55 AM Permalink
i cant understand u people..directly u make assertion, that if im from madarsa and brain washed,he is a jehadi....tell me how many muslims are terrorist??? much less than LTTE and ULFA. why dont u people do something??? Ask ur leaders to term all Indian Muslims as terrorists...or do one more thing start civil-war and try to eliminate us....then you will see a real jehad?? U idiot only few hundreds are involved in terrorism...20 crore muslims are more Indian than u,they care about India more than u.
You people are doing great job..u are making Indian muslims to think that where are they standing??? why they are suspected? so the way you are making things difficult by poisoning hate in your community then definately one day there will be a civil war here.... God save My India from these MORONS... u people are mentally-sick..insane.
i cant understand u people..directly u make assertion, that if im from madarsa and brain washed,he is a jehadi....tell me how many muslims are terrorist??? much less than LTTE and ULFA. why dont u people do something??? Ask ur leaders to term all Indian Muslims as terrorists...or do one more thing start civil-war and try to eliminate us....then you will see a real jehad?? U idiot only few hundreds are involved in terrorism...20 crore muslims are more Indian than u,they care about India more than u.
You people are doing great job..u are making Indian muslims to think that where are they standing??? why
RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by Praveen on Feb 11, 2008 09:03 AM Permalink
Hi Shahab, (Full disclosure: I am sympathiser of the right wing Hindu ideology). I understand your points. Unfortunately you belong to a negligable minority among the Muslims and therein lies the problem. Hindus have to brace themselves up for the fight with the Jehadis. There is no other way (other than succumbing to it) so the religious fanaticism will rise among the Hindus. It is the need of the day. You sound like a sane person. Please enlighten us by answering this question: Is killing and raping of the Pagans sanctioned by Quran ?. (the answer is yes as per independent sources - you may contradict that) If so, Muslims, by definition, have to be eliminate the Hindus. Now the Hindus have two options 1. get eliminated or 2. fight the predators. If you were a Hindu which will you choose?. If you choose "2" will you label yourselves as a "sick and insane" moron?
RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by ajith v on Feb 11, 2008 06:00 AM Permalink
I think its time to watch out this jihadi also, from his reply seems that he is also a terrorist.dont waste your life man , do osmething good for you and for the others, Muslims are doing what kuran told not to do.. marrying 5-6 ladies,terrorism, killing innocent people ,rolling blackmoney, smuggling ,,,,
RE:RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 06:21 AM Permalink
ajit if we say a word then immediately u start screaming and started blaming as a jehadi. very sad. do u know why 4 marriages are allowed?? scientifically always women are less in number than males. During war or calamities these number goes up. To maintain their dignity and to check prostitution and many more reason..we are allowed to marry upto 4..so to safe gaurd them and to give them status of a married women . As far as ur Mahabharat...dropdi married 5 men...what do u say on this???
RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by ajith v on Feb 11, 2008 06:49 AM Permalink
But people are thinking practically and not doinga s per books or old history, If youa re tellingt hat marrying 4 women for protection why muslims are doing talaque, without that you can marry more, what is the need of talaque, it is nothing but divorse, Also usually after getting a child the guys will do talaque and marry another,, this is a type of legal prostitution . This is too much , this shoudnt allow in any religion.
RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by bawlachintu on Feb 11, 2008 07:25 AM Permalink
The kind of rubbish and abusive language and hatred that is promoted by this board suggests that its a section of hindus that need to be educated. It is apparent from these boards that hindu fanaticsm and extermism is the biggest problem of our country. Abusing the minorities and their belifs only pant a sorry picture about hindus and hinduism.
RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by ajith v on Feb 11, 2008 05:39 AM Permalink
Shahab, Dont get angry, when you watch properly and open your eyes you can see how many muslims are involved in terrorism and supporting terorism,. If the parens doesnt want the waste muslim children let them think about another way or they would have thought earlier instead of making childrens as terrorist and encouraging. Now a days its difficult to mingle with muslim students even if sit in same bench, we dont know he will fire or doing bomb blast, that is the situtation now.So in madrasas insted of making bombs and reading kuran better educate some common sense. Elders has to take care, what to say,,, even they are also terrorists. god only can save ..can u compare how mnay people are getting killed by muslim terorirst and ulfa, cna check the percentage and reply please
RE:RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 06:14 AM Permalink
ajit i know what is goin on??? im not angry..what im saying is that instead of pouring poison..try to spread peace. always there are reason if something happens..even in a rail accident,air crash anything there will be some reason..so if more muslims are becoming jehadis then there must be a reason..so instead of finding the truth people starts blaming it resulting in more terrorists. Taleban is a product of USA, Bin laden was supported and trained by CIA and pentagon...USA had set training camps in Pakistan to trained them..but aftr afganistan become independent USA thought they are so powerfull that they will ruin pakistan..this was the point when USA declared them terrorist, earlier they were freedom fighters. Dou know laden was trained on american soil..and CIA along with the US-marines gave him all the training.. my question is why we are following false reports of media and why we think all muslims are terrorist..imagine if all muslims become terrorist then what will happen?????
RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by on Feb 11, 2008 08:06 AM Permalink
Brother, no one liked to be called as Terrorist. When word "Terrorism" is linked to a perticular religoin or community that irks people. When western media and other outfits started attacking Islam and interfering in islami these fundamentalists started their reactions. The world can be a better place to live if people stop interfering in others matters and do his own job sincerely.
RE:RE:Education is the only way out to make Islam good.
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 06:03 AM Permalink
shekhar the way u r potraying shows u r the one who are in th emaking of hindu terrorists.. i think u r from RSS terrorist gang.. my intention was to wake u up.
i termed that by suspecting all muslims u will make million more. by dividing hindu-muslims u will only create bigger problem. In Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,SUdan, Philipine, all these are freedom fighters..same like in the past we had bhagat singh,bismil,ashfaqullah khan..and sooo many...
for u they are terrorists..but for them they are freedom fighters...and they are fighting againsts USA, the most powerfull nation..atleast they have courage to fight against them..u people even dont have courage to fight in kashmir or in assam..if u are soo much patroit then go and fight in kashmir...i will be there in support of u and i will fight against them.