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RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 05:11 AM

fromm Mr.Shekhar..........
u PERVERT DISTORTER OF FACTS - draupadi was married to 5 brothers because of accidental promise made to mother kkunti (read up the story) ... does not apply in my case
when a king marries 4 wives he can still be great, but if a woman has 5 husbands due to quirk of fate, she is ill-chractered ? u need to understand total equality of men and women, before comprehending ethos of hinduism
my reply..
was she ill-character as shekhar said??? this is what u think about women????

was it an error as quoted by Mr.shekhar..
a divine scripture can be a scripture with errors????

very strange??????

God's words can never be of any errors...if there are errors then it cant be a God or God's Book...thats it

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