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by new media on Feb 11, 2008 05:35 AM

Like any other relegion Islam also preaches good things and aims to make it followers good people, but unfortunately some evil forces claiming to be friends of Islam has become the biggest enemies of Muslims. Read the exerpts form some recent press reports given below.
1. Muslim students being evicted from hostels (read private paying guest accomodations)in Hubli-Dharwad, after the arrest of two medical students suspected to be linked with terrorist out fits. The fact is that many muslim landloards also started the strategy of not giving staying accomodation to Muslim students. Why should we invite unnecessary problems, they ask.
2. The arrested people had reportedly said that, they will get Rs 50000 per person send to the terrorist group. Yes everything is for a business!!Their job is to brianwash young people and make them fit for these terrorist groups.HR Service with a very high profit!!
My dear brothers... please stop this non-sence. Your activities are badly affecting the entire Muslim community who loves to live peacefully. Now the situation is that even our Muslim brotheren started suspecting us!! let us not be the scape goats of these money making hidden agenda of the terrorists. India is our motherland, let's pray for its unity and integrity. Letus be real Muslims following the real Islam. LET US LIVE AS MUSLIMS NOT ACT AND LIVE.

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Militants in IISc, CRPF attacks held