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RE:RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 04:04 AM

look i tell u im very much secular..and i love humanity and to me all human irrespective of caste and religion are my brothers...but few people here who are spreading venom against my religion is not fare..
so im just asking them few questions and im trying to give answeres to few of them.

if i ask anyone that what he did for our nation..then the answere will be one ..spreading hate???
my religion doesnt allow me to do this..terrorism..if few muslims are involved then its their matter...they r wrong ..suicide attacks are haram in islam..even during war its not allowed to kill any older person, any sick patient, childrens, and women.
Distruction of any religious shrine or temple is totally prohibited.
thats why i was saying to all of these people that atleast first read Quran so that they will know what is it??
by watching few people dont blame all muslims.

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