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RE:Hinduism never preached tolerance of intolerance
by shahab khan on Feb 11, 2008 03:01 AM

U are such a stupid day dreamer...before wiping out Muslims from India...u have to face USA..the great America...coz aftr two decades America will hold maximum number of muslims, b'coz christians(white/black both) are converting into Islam like anything...
from scientists to students, from Defence to services..any thing..
so better for u to start reading Quran that u will know what exactly it war, no hate, no communalism, no crime...even the Catholic Church in Uk called upon The Govt to introduce Islamic Sharia Law to check the crime in UK such as for rapes, killings,etc..u can check at BBC News on 8th of this month.
coz Islam is a guidance and Quran is the Book to read and follow its laws.

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