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Empty vessels
by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 04:20 PM  Permalink 

make a real humdinger!!

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Love each other
by Job KK on Aug 05, 2008 04:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

What we have gained as a Hindu, Muslim or Christian. Love each other and live in peace.

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RE:Love each other
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 04:16 PM  Permalink
Only hindus understand this concept. The Christians and Muslims are only interested in the numbers game and they want to increase the count of beleivers by hook or by crook.

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RE:Love each other
by galilio on Aug 05, 2008 04:41 PM  Permalink
virus in air will attack fruits/vegitables to condaminate it.hindus will throw out spoilt fruits and offer fresh fruits as prasadam to our god as hinduism is full of science.

christianity will attack weak human bodies who
are weak in physical and financial.they will contaminate them with corrupt mind, becouse
christians would take the dead bodies inside the church to offer prayer to their blood sheding god to wash the sins of deads.so condamination and spoilt items like corpse is
well acceptable to them inside their prayer hall.science is far away to their mind.

let christians follow the practice of hinduism
in hygenic and prayer methods first rather than
spoiling the minds of weak hindus with conversion agenda of soul harvesting.copying
from hinduism is not new to christianity.

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RE:Love each other
by Truly Indian on Aug 05, 2008 04:48 PM  Permalink
Christians are only 2.34% and we Hindus say that Christians are converting. We Hindus are getting converted to Islam of late it seems. Muslim count is getting on increasing. Lets not get converted to Christianity, better opt for Islam.

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RE:Love each other
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 04:52 PM  Permalink
Yes, convert to Islam and blow yourself up "in the cause of Allah" for an assured entry into the Paradise stocked with abundant supply of "wine, women, water, fruits, etc"!!!!!!!!

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RE:Love each other
by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 05:59 PM  Permalink

Your earlier comment does not have a REPLY button. That is why I am replying here.

You have tangentially skidded off the main topic. I can only assume why.

As regards Chapman Cohen's assertion, I fully subscribe to that. I should it highly foolish the person who would cling on to the savage idea of fire drill when modern means are open.

But in my short years of earthly life, I have been through some of the most frightful experiences and have have come out singularly unscathed. There have been no scientific explanations for the same. And as Chapman Cohen says, there exists for me still the raison d'etre to continue believeing in one who gives me a peace which no earthly power can give, well, at least till now!

And as for his statement that "no amount of apologizing can make up for the absence of genuine knowledge, nor can the flow of the finest eloquence do aught but clothe in regal raiment the body of a corpse", I can only reply thus:

You used your eloquence to tarnish
one who cannot be tarnished.
But now in dismay, find that eloquence is aught.
t'is pity you desire, empathy, water,
Ah, but maybe the raiment the corpse,
But find none forthcoming.

And the sin/crime that Adam and Eve committed, was to break the fellowship with God. Having died and risen, Jesus gives humanity the path back to that communion.

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RE:Love each other
by Upurs on Aug 05, 2008 04:25 PM  Permalink
i second ur comment dude...

all they want is NUMBERS...

see muslims, they want numbers by the multiplication factor
And christians they go by the conversion factor..

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RE:Love each other
by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 04:37 PM  Permalink
Nobody understands this concept. If anybody did, they would already be Christians. And I am not talking about number crunching variety of Christians, but Christ-ians. The day Hindus learned to love one another, the whole country would be Christian.

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RE:Love each other
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 04:39 PM  Permalink
Are there any such "Christians" any where in the world? What have you to say about the tussle between "Bawa" and "Metran" in Kerala? Are they not Christians??

And of course we do not beleive that all the entry tickets to heven are in the hands of one person! End of the story.

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RE:Love each other
by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 05:02 PM  Permalink
Yes, there are Christians like that in the world. And you think that "Bawas" and "Metrans" are Christians. Some may be. But most certainly are not. If they are honest, they will accept it themselves. And that is why they are accepted in Christianity. We are all human, with human weaknesses and frailties. And we derive our strength from the Almighty. (Remember the dead jew on the stick, that's Him. Fortunately for you, he arose). And we certainly believe that the entry tickets to heaven are in the hands of one person. And it pleases him to decide whom to give and whom not to give. Nowhere in the Bible is it written that Christians (neither the number crunching variety, nor the Christ-ians) get automatic entry to heaven. It is His grace that gives us the sense of freedom. And therefore we accept the Great Commission - that of going and preaching the Good News of salvation to all. We will speak. You may hear. And it is totally upto you whether you decide to convert or not. And if somebody offers you inducements to convert, show me his ass, I will kick his bum in before you get your chance.

And THAT is the end of story.

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RE:Love each other
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 05:16 PM  Permalink
He arose and went to his father in heaven! Then where is the question of his dying for some sin or crime purported to have been committed by Adam and Eve?

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RE:Love each other
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 05:10 PM  Permalink
Chapman Cohen, in his "Theism or Atheism," clearly states: "We know that man does not discover God, he invents him, and an invention is properly discarded when a better instrument is forthcoming. To-day, the hypothesis of God stands in just the same relation to the better life of to-day as the fire drill of the savage does to the modern method of obtaining a light. The belief in God may continue awhile in virtue of the lack of intelligence of some, of the carelessness of others, and of the conservative character of the mass. But no amount of apologizing can make up for the absence of genuine knowledge, nor can the flow of the finest eloquence do aught but clothe in regal raiment the body of a corpse."

Religion arose as a means of explanation of natural phenomena at a time when no other explanation of the origin of natural phenomena had been ascertained. God is always what Spinoza called it, "the asylum of ignorance. “When causes are unknown, God is brought forward; when causes are known, God retires into the background. In an age of ignorance, God is active; in an age of science, he is impotent. History attests this fact.

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RE:Love each other
by Bharat Kr on Aug 05, 2008 05:53 PM  Permalink
JGN. Well said. Only a Hindu can think that way. Hindus want to live peaceful way, no matter what the way of worship one follows. But two aggressive cults called Chrisitanity and Muhamedism will not allow others to live. They want all follow their way of living. Else, get killed. They are not spirituality, they are aggressive political ideology.

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Chalo Convert Karain
by Upurs on Aug 05, 2008 03:58 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Vatican has a lot of money but no1 to convert..

What all options are there...

1>Africa - Been there done most of that, where possible, elsewhere there is already lot of conflict.

2>US - LAWSUITS is costing a lot of money cant invest is US any more. Pedophiles priest are proving to be very expensive.

3>China - The left parties and Muslims in china are extreme, but olympics have created a lot of openings.

4>INDIA - Politicians will come out of the way to help get votes. DIVIDE n RULE principle, lets divide Indians, focus on dalits and lets convert them using love or FORCE. There are loads of people to convert and no1 to stop the church. Lets try to us aarti, saris, bindis, mangalsutras and other common items to avoid too much of focus on converts. They should easily blend in.

Now the next thing is to convert Hindus. For that the church is using geeta.


TIME TO RISE! Conversion by will is ok, we cannot stop, but we should STOP conversion by force and by bribing -- The church has a typical modus operandi

1>Open Orphanage or Hospital
2>Say jesus is providing free food and medicine.
3>Get poor people used to the free food, clothes, medicine, alocohol etc.
4>Then one fine day ask them to attend church and then only get all the free stuff...
5>After couple of weeks CONVERT THEM!!!

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RE:Chalo Convert Karain
by galilio on Aug 05, 2008 04:57 PM  Permalink
Conversion is well planned strategy of missionaries.Vatigan has an intelligence wing called ''OPPUSDEI'head office in spain with newworks throughout the world.they have datas of all indian villages pincodes so that their aim is to establish churches in all indian villages.they appoint residents agents under whom many workers would work to propogate jesus
as sole saviour to the world.missionaries are able to spread their network in india to following types of people-
politicians,their sons/daughters (M K and his
family are example)cine actors/cine actress,
directors,cameromen,editors ect in cinefield.
medial persons,journalists,news reporters,local
news papers ect, social workers,hospitals,nurses
doctors ect,fine arts fields like dances,music
and lyric writters ect,.Apart from this,now
christians erect at the entraces of any city or
town, tall statue of jesus at entry point to give impression of their network.they are the parasites of earth which should be weeded out of earth by uniting hindus together.

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Indian bible
by satsat on Aug 05, 2008 03:52 PM  Permalink 

Father Paul found a new way to make money out of this new bible, at the same time he trying to get blessings of Hindus for this job. Nothing else.

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Why all this?
by Abbas Rescued on Aug 05, 2008 03:42 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why dont you simply allow native culturs and religions to survive? Why this invasionist mentality and now trying to give a local touch to an alien religion and culture... Whatever it is, at the end of the day everyone inherits something that is unique for his culture from his / her forefathers... And Hinduism is that unique thing for all of us... I am not sure why an Indian bible should be written now when we have more ancient Indian philogophy in this country...

Anyways, at the end of the day, nothing makes a difference.. Life goes on... I hope the realization we Hindus have - that of life is transient and the only thing that is certain is our death - is also realized by Muslims and Christians of this world and there is nothing called right or wrong from the "Gods point of view"... If indeed there was God and he was creating everything (a view held by Christians and Muslims as against the Hindu view of creation as a process that flows from Maya and the supreme power does not exercise control only to exhibit His / Her power but lets the Maya flow to decide its own destiny) why did he have to crate inequalities and what makes him not to destroy the evil which he indeed is advising all his creations to fight against? What He could not subvert how does He expect His creations to control and subvert? If so then are His creations not more powerful than Himsef?

And so as a true Hindu I would like to conclude 'this too shall pass'...

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RE:Why all this?
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 04:01 PM  Permalink
Hi, Abbas Rescued, where were you for a long time? Not seen any messages posted by you for quite some time!

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RE:Why all this?
by Abbas Rescued on Aug 05, 2008 04:32 PM  Permalink
Moderator blocked me for a month... Dont know why... I had no offensive statement made though!

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RE:Why all this?
by Kris iyer on Aug 05, 2008 05:22 PM  Permalink
Abbas Rescued, Yes, welcome back. So far only one of my comments was removed by the moderator. I did not think there were any abusive or insulting words but there was an indirect reference to a prominent person in India, who had converted to another religion from Hinduism. He / she was NOT named.

Yet the moderator judged the comment objectionable. I respect that judgment. Fear of defamation and so on are the concerns of people who own this forum. Also, the moderator may feel there should be not even indirect reference to personal decisions made by an individual. Fair enough.

My argument would be that people in the "Public Eye", do accept some reduction in their privacy. If a movie actor or actress commits an offence, the publicity is much more than if an ordinary person commits the same offence. Therefore, comments on some [NOT ALL] private decisions of public figures should be permitted.
For example, when the British PM, Tony Blair, converted to Roman Catholicism from his family's Protestant (Church of England) many British citizens commented on it. Moderators and editors there did not remove those comments.

Strangely, in this forum, insults like "Moron", "idiot", "Sh*t He*d" seem to survive. Perhaps, none reports them for abuse. Perhaps, even the posters who are so abused think it is all part of some fun and games!!

With all these limitations, it is still a VERY GOOD FORUM for exchange of views. THERE IS NO OTHER EQUAL TO THIS FORUM.

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Christianity is losing grounds !
by sanjay on Aug 05, 2008 03:07 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Across the world,the conversion from christianity to other religions like Islam,Bhuddism,religionless Atheism is drastically increasing.Europe and africa are witnessing high conversion from christianity to Islam..i guess vatican bosses must be worried now.. So Christian missionries are aggresively targeting asia.If u visit south korea,u can witness their convertion operations even in train staions!

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RE:Christianity is losing grounds !
by Guest on Aug 05, 2008 03:43 PM  Permalink
Mr Knowall, hav u travelled d world? u hav people begging u 2 convert 2 Hinduism by distributing free Bagwadgitas on Australian roads! Chiristians DO NOT HAV D NEED 2 CONVERT ANYONE! People convert to christianity becoz THEY WANT TO! And what conversion rate r u taking about? Do u know how many millions of people in d world r converting 2 christianity from Islam, hinduism, buddhism n Atheism? Know ur facts right! Tts people like u who r worried about the conversion rates to christianity! N christian missinories r helping asian countries where people like u live!

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RE:Christianity is losing grounds !
by R JAIN on Aug 05, 2008 04:04 PM  Permalink
Hey Guest,
Hindus do not believe in proselytization. U have to be lucky to be born a hindu. No amount of purification/ indoctrination can convert a person condemned to be born a christian or muslim into Hindu.

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RE:Christianity is losing grounds !
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 04:18 PM  Permalink
Yes, any donkey can become a Christian or Muslim by conversion but not a Hindu, though some organizations like Arya Samaj and Iskon are converting a few persons to their "version" of hinduism.

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RE:Christianity is losing grounds !
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 04:00 PM  Permalink
Yes, people convert to Christianity as a dead jew on a stick is holding all the entry tickets to heaven!!!!!!!!!!! majority of Christians in UK are turning atheists and they are not even able to find enough Priests/Nuns as the youngsters are not willing to take up the profession. The vacancies are filled up by importing Indian Priests/Nuns into UK!!!!!!!!!The less we talk about the "help" from the Christian missionaries, the better.

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Hinduism is not a religion in its narrow sense
by Avinash on Aug 05, 2008 03:07 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hinduism is not a religion in its narrow sense. It is a conglomeration of various beliefs and even atheism. Atheists existed even in Vedic and were known as Charvakas.

Our culture has survived the onsalught on semitic religions (Islamic invaders and European christian colonizers) for nearly 1000 years. Still about 85% of our population are following the native religions where as in most of the other parts of the word, the Islamic invaders and European colonizers were able to establish the supremacy of their religions. That itself is proof of the inherent strength of our culture. No amount of ridiculing by the Christians and Muslims will not make any difference to any one following the native religions.

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RE:Hinduism is not a religion in its narrow sense
by BraveIndian on Aug 05, 2008 03:20 PM  Permalink

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RE:Hinduism is not a religion in its narrow sense
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 03:23 PM  Permalink
Are you a "BraveIndian" or "CowardIndian"? Why do you see a ghost where none exists? What can a few missionaries do except befool a few adivasis? Do you think that every one will convert to their religion when they offer a few kgs of rice and cheap american milk powder?

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RE:Hinduism is not a religion in its narrow sense
by Guest on Aug 05, 2008 03:47 PM  Permalink
JNG, Is tht d reason why hindus like u r dying 2 get into America n England?
For cheap American Milk Powder?

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RE:Hinduism is not a religion in its narrow sense
by R JAIN on Aug 05, 2008 03:57 PM  Permalink
Material gains r not 2 be compared with spiritual gains.So while it is okay for a Hindu 2 go 2 US for better prospects, it is not necessary 4 him 2 get converted to christianity. Just like Eurpean christian came 2 India for her wealth and not 2 seek any spiritual salvation from Hindus.

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RE:RE:Hinduism is not a religion in its narrow sense
by Bharat Kr on Aug 05, 2008 06:20 PM  Permalink
Yes, we are transforming America into Sanatan Dharma land. Do you know, about 30 million Americans practice Yoga regularly? Do you know, about one-third Amercians prefer to be burned their body after death? Do you know about one-third of Americans belive in rebirth? The number of vegetarians are increasing day by day. List goes on. But, we Hindus have no game to convert others. It is they are practicing Sanatan dharma and finding peace for themselves.

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RE:Hinduism is not a religion in its narrow sense
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 03:57 PM  Permalink
Nobody is dyin gto get into America or England. It is just a myth. Have you heard of IIM graduates selling "Idli" in Chennai or vegetable in Bihar despite offer of fat pay-checks from MNCs? It is only a few persons like who have no self-respect flock to such countries.

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RE:Hinduism is not a religion in its narrow sense
by Bharat Kr on Aug 05, 2008 06:15 PM  Permalink
Avinash, you are to a great extent right. Islamic and euroeans invadors invaded and controlled Bharat for 1000 years, still they could not do any harm to our faith. What they managed converting some poor people by the power of swords and deception. And they are now suffering themselves with violence, depression and social conflicts. Over 50% westerners now either divorced or seperated and live a life of depression. Thats why they are increasing looking towards Bharat, that is India, in search of peace and soul. Sanatan dharma is the global dharma, it can only bring eternal peace.

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by BraveIndian on Aug 05, 2008 02:56 PM  Permalink 



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speed up conversions
by Guest on Aug 05, 2008 02:50 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

this will speed up conversions. This shows How dumb Indians can be!!!

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RE:speed up conversions
by Avinash on Aug 05, 2008 02:59 PM  Permalink
Despite all the patronate of the European colonizers and some forced conversions (Goan inquisition)the Christian population in India is 2.34% only as per last Census. Except for fooling a few gullible natives, there is no way they increase the head count by conversion in 21st century!

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RE:speed up conversions
by Guest on Aug 05, 2008 03:51 PM  Permalink
Nobody forces anybody 2 convert. People convert becoz they want to.And what last census r u talking abt. did u conduct it yourself? Chiristians r a mojarity in this world n they will always b, followed by muslims!

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RE:speed up conversions
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 03:54 PM  Permalink
They may be majoirty in the world (but comprises more than 300 sects, some of them fighting with each other even now) but in India it is just 2.34% as per last Census conducted by the Govt of India. People convert due to igorance and inducement. As simple as that.

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RE:speed up conversions
by Truly Indian on Aug 05, 2008 04:04 PM  Permalink
Christians are only 2.34% and we Hindus say that Christians are converting. We Hindus are getting converted to Islam of late it seems. Muslim count is getting on increasing. Lets not get converted to Christianity, better opt for Islam.

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RE:speed up conversions
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 04:15 PM  Permalink
They are increasing only due to multiplication like rats. No sane person will convert to islam after watching the activites of the muslims the world over.

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by koora on Aug 05, 2008 02:48 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hinduism is a civilization and not religions like Islam and Christianity. The Muslims and Christians of this land are Hindus only by their origin. Its shallow to think that they are from Dubai and US. Agree or not the truth is all Indians belong to the same civilization.

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by Bharat Kr on Aug 05, 2008 06:05 PM  Permalink
Sanatan dharma or Hindu dharma is the philosiophy, culture, ethics, religions and above a way of life. It is sanatan, eternal dharma. It is inclusive, without any sectarian and dogmas. Thats why increasing people in the west and even south america adopting Sanatan dharma.

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