Abbas Rescued, Yes, welcome back. So far only one of my comments was removed by the moderator. I did not think there were any abusive or insulting words but there was an indirect reference to a prominent person in India, who had converted to another religion from Hinduism. He / she was NOT named.
Yet the moderator judged the comment objectionable. I respect that judgment. Fear of defamation and so on are the concerns of people who own this forum. Also, the moderator may feel there should be not even indirect reference to personal decisions made by an individual. Fair enough.
My argument would be that people in the "Public Eye", do accept some reduction in their privacy. If a movie actor or actress commits an offence, the publicity is much more than if an ordinary person commits the same offence. Therefore, comments on some [NOT ALL] private decisions of public figures should be permitted. For example, when the British PM, Tony Blair, converted to Roman Catholicism from his family's Protestant (Church of England) many British citizens commented on it. Moderators and editors there did not remove those comments.
Strangely, in this forum, insults like "Moron", "idiot", "Sh*t He*d" seem to survive. Perhaps, none reports them for abuse. Perhaps, even the posters who are so abused think it is all part of some fun and games!!
With all these limitations, it is still a VERY GOOD FORUM for exchange of views. THERE IS NO OTHER EQUAL TO THIS FORUM.