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Why all this?
by Abbas Rescued on Aug 05, 2008 03:42 PM

Why dont you simply allow native culturs and religions to survive? Why this invasionist mentality and now trying to give a local touch to an alien religion and culture... Whatever it is, at the end of the day everyone inherits something that is unique for his culture from his / her forefathers... And Hinduism is that unique thing for all of us... I am not sure why an Indian bible should be written now when we have more ancient Indian philogophy in this country...

Anyways, at the end of the day, nothing makes a difference.. Life goes on... I hope the realization we Hindus have - that of life is transient and the only thing that is certain is our death - is also realized by Muslims and Christians of this world and there is nothing called right or wrong from the "Gods point of view"... If indeed there was God and he was creating everything (a view held by Christians and Muslims as against the Hindu view of creation as a process that flows from Maya and the supreme power does not exercise control only to exhibit His / Her power but lets the Maya flow to decide its own destiny) why did he have to crate inequalities and what makes him not to destroy the evil which he indeed is advising all his creations to fight against? What He could not subvert how does He expect His creations to control and subvert? If so then are His creations not more powerful than Himsef?

And so as a true Hindu I would like to conclude 'this too shall pass'...

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures