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RE:Love each other
by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 05:59 PM


Your earlier comment does not have a REPLY button. That is why I am replying here.

You have tangentially skidded off the main topic. I can only assume why.

As regards Chapman Cohen's assertion, I fully subscribe to that. I should it highly foolish the person who would cling on to the savage idea of fire drill when modern means are open.

But in my short years of earthly life, I have been through some of the most frightful experiences and have have come out singularly unscathed. There have been no scientific explanations for the same. And as Chapman Cohen says, there exists for me still the raison d'etre to continue believeing in one who gives me a peace which no earthly power can give, well, at least till now!

And as for his statement that "no amount of apologizing can make up for the absence of genuine knowledge, nor can the flow of the finest eloquence do aught but clothe in regal raiment the body of a corpse", I can only reply thus:

You used your eloquence to tarnish
one who cannot be tarnished.
But now in dismay, find that eloquence is aught.
t'is pity you desire, empathy, water,
Ah, but maybe the raiment the corpse,
But find none forthcoming.

And the sin/crime that Adam and Eve committed, was to break the fellowship with God. Having died and risen, Jesus gives humanity the path back to that communion.

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