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RE:Love each other
by galilio on Aug 05, 2008 04:41 PM

virus in air will attack fruits/vegitables to condaminate it.hindus will throw out spoilt fruits and offer fresh fruits as prasadam to our god as hinduism is full of science.

christianity will attack weak human bodies who
are weak in physical and financial.they will contaminate them with corrupt mind, becouse
christians would take the dead bodies inside the church to offer prayer to their blood sheding god to wash the sins of condamination and spoilt items like corpse is
well acceptable to them inside their prayer is far away to their mind.

let christians follow the practice of hinduism
in hygenic and prayer methods first rather than
spoiling the minds of weak hindus with conversion agenda of soul harvesting.copying
from hinduism is not new to christianity.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures