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RE:Love each other
by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 05:02 PM

Yes, there are Christians like that in the world. And you think that "Bawas" and "Metrans" are Christians. Some may be. But most certainly are not. If they are honest, they will accept it themselves. And that is why they are accepted in Christianity. We are all human, with human weaknesses and frailties. And we derive our strength from the Almighty. (Remember the dead jew on the stick, that's Him. Fortunately for you, he arose). And we certainly believe that the entry tickets to heaven are in the hands of one person. And it pleases him to decide whom to give and whom not to give. Nowhere in the Bible is it written that Christians (neither the number crunching variety, nor the Christ-ians) get automatic entry to heaven. It is His grace that gives us the sense of freedom. And therefore we accept the Great Commission - that of going and preaching the Good News of salvation to all. We will speak. You may hear. And it is totally upto you whether you decide to convert or not. And if somebody offers you inducements to convert, show me his ass, I will kick his bum in before you get your chance.

And THAT is the end of story.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures