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Radhabai chawl, remember ?
by ssddssdd on Jul 27, 2007 11:43 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

No muslim supports punishment for terrorists and all muslims condone terrorist acts with convoluted reasons of the victims deserving it actually ! Just makes one wonder what kind of ideology teaches them to do that. Remember Radhabai Chawl, all 11 muslims were acquitted for roasting alive 6 Hindus, reason disputed structure was demolished. BTW, Radhabai chawl incident actually sparked the riots. So, muslims, introspect. If there is God, any God, His teachings will not support that. If it does, He is not God, but a maniac. And any human who justifies burning alive humans (remember Godhra) is not fit to be called human.

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RE:Radhabai chawl, remember ?
by alpha consulting on Jul 28, 2007 12:39 AM  Permalink
Donot blame or bring God in to this, God is a very big compared to humans. He is the master of the Universe which includes earth. Hence Humans are not even a dot when you compare the power and magnanmity of God.

Coming back to your post about Godhra, its a proven fact from the enquiry commission that, that the fire was started inside the train compartment and not from outside, its only hindus who burned other hindus(humans)alive and muslims were wrongly blamed and killed.

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RE:RE:RE:Radhabai chawl, remember ?
by Maan Singh on Jul 29, 2007 12:44 PM  Permalink
see situations of muslims currently it seems u i think currently ur facing God's wrath

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RE:Radhabai chawl, remember ?
by Maan Singh on Jul 29, 2007 12:42 PM  Permalink
there is no report proving that fire was from inside

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RE:Radhabai chawl, remember ?
by ssddssdd on Jul 28, 2007 01:29 AM  Permalink
yeah, just like 9/11 was done by US/Isreal, Kashmiri Pandits killed themselves, Indian Parliament tried to attack itself, many many more....So, let's apply same logic to Guj and Mumbai riots. Lying million times does not change truth...

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Justice is one sided
by alpha consulting on Jul 27, 2007 10:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Eventhough trust Judge P D Kode as a honest person who wanted to uphold law, I believe that the justice is one sided since no one was given death sentences for killing innocent children, women and men after Babri masjid demolition. All the shiv sena and hindu criminals are still alive and enjoying their lives when only muslims are punished by death sentence. I hope Indian law will punish the hindu criminals also.

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RE:Justice is one sided
by linux linux on Jul 27, 2007 10:34 PM  Permalink
The shree krishna commission said the riots were started by muslims because of anger over the masjid. I advice muslims not to start riots because once they start people are bound to be killed

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RE:Justice is one sided
by debajyoti maulik on Jul 28, 2007 06:52 AM  Permalink
Are you sure? Alpha is Hindu? How is he so sympathetic about the muslims when the whole world is against them?

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RE:Justice is one sided
by ismail shaikh on Jul 28, 2007 05:09 PM  Permalink

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RE:Justice is one sided
by srinivas rao on Jul 28, 2007 03:43 AM  Permalink
hey are you guys out of your mind... alpha and ahamed... you are talking here about bombay blasts... that killed innocent people.. and hampered the economy of our country... you want the court to sympathesize with them??? ... i guess you guys cant understand this logic... you traitors should be hanged as well...

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List of people who were found guilty
by Karthik on Jul 27, 2007 09:48 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The following names: Are they islamic? if they are not islamic names, does this mean that there is a Hindu support for 1993 blast? Surya Kanishka, Do you have point to make out?

S N Thapa, former additional customs collector, preventive - Guilty of conspiracy. He got information about the landing at Shekhadi and that the main exit point could be in Mhasla Shrivardhan area. He laid a trap at Purarphata on Mhasla-Goregaon road on January 30. Besides that, his team gave up the vigil after February 2 in spite of the warnings. However, the CBI has asked for lesser sentence as he suffers from cancer
R K Singh, Former assistant commissioner of customs,convicted for facilitating RDX landing in Shekhadi after accepting bribe of more than
7.8 lakh Rupees - Had meetings with the accused.
Jaywant Gurav former customs inspector.-Convicted for allowing passage of RDX from Raigad to Mumbai
S S Talwadekar, former customs superintendent.
Convicted for allowing passage of RDX from Raigad to Mumbai
Vijay Patil, ex police sub-inspector
* Guilty of conspiracy and taking bribe to allow passage of RDX from Raigad to Mumbai
* Has been sentenced to life imprisonment and 1 lakh rupees fine by TADA court on 22 May 2007
Ashok Muleshwar, P M Mahadik, Ramesh Mali, S Y Palshikar; Police Constables
* Guilty of allowing passage of RDX of arms from Raigad to Mumbai.All four sentenced by TADA court to six years' imprisonment and a fine of Rs 25,000 each on May 21,2007

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RE:List of people who were found guilty
by Kaushik Das on Jul 27, 2007 10:05 PM  Permalink
So, what are you trying to point out?
That islam and muslims are not responsible?
Corruption is another thing and religious intolerance is another, boss. these guys you name were corrupt and did not have morals. they did not have any agenda of harming any community or nation because they do not realise the meaning of community or nation. they live in their selfish worlds.

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RE:List of people who were found guilty
by Karthik on Jul 27, 2007 10:48 PM  Permalink
My point is , this topic should not be made as a RELIGIOUS debate, instead it is more political, Shiv Sena is one of the main culprit!! Who destroyed Babri Masjid? I am a Human who cannot tolerate killings of innocent humans for their purpose, this is my point..no hatred for Hindus or muslims...or watever religion it may be!!

mr.bhatkar ahamed : You get emotional when you type!! dont do that..this is not an emotional debate...taking in to consideration of involvement of LET n JEM, people presume that this is Islamic Jihad, but TRUTH is not revealed or unknown..We cant come to any conclusion by a bogus report..But one thing: The actual cause of this act is to blame those people who destroyed Babri masjid!!

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RE:List of people who were found guilty
by Vikas on Jul 28, 2007 01:19 AM  Permalink
well said

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RE:RE:List of people who were found guilty
by hitanshu shah on Jul 28, 2007 10:54 AM  Permalink
you are misunderstanding by thinking that ur blood is just considered as water, actually it is consider as the dirty rotton peice of garbage and before it gets worst, pack your bags and leave this country......

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RE:List of people who were found guilty
by rakesh raina on Jul 28, 2007 04:22 PM  Permalink
u people are basically illegal. That is a truth which u know privately. Cross breed people always try to destabilise the society and the world at large. And thats what is happening.

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RE:List of people who were found guilty
by manoj purohit on Jul 28, 2007 01:48 AM  Permalink
how does cast make any difference Mr.Bhatkar.hindu or muslim,terrorist is terrorist.now why are you arguing who should be hanged and who should not be.do you intend to imply that these people are muslims,and muslims are being targeted and this hon'justice has given them capital punishment based on there cast?don't you see that they have done crime against humanity....?

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RE:List of people who were found guilty
by vijaykumar vk on Jul 28, 2007 02:10 AM  Permalink
When a Kafir(Hindu) die all the Muslims feel happy and when a Muslim dies not all the Hindus are Happy.Reality;The same blood of a Hindu is water In Pakistan.I dont support any brutel act on a fellow nation Muslims.Punish all the terrorists in the same way.Dont spare Sunjay Dutt too.RDX financed by Hawala money.Landed in Kerala state.There is no Khomani or saddam to say no to Dollors$ or Ponds.
PS;Let the things continue.At least we need not bother about Gas or LKG admission for the child.Please Put such RDX which will not spare any Hindu on this earth.Long live only Muslims.

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RE:List of people who were found guilty
by debajyoti maulik on Jul 28, 2007 07:05 AM  Permalink
Mr. bhatkar ahamed, where are you from? Kindly mention the name of Madrassa where you were taught that Humanism is nothing but Islamism is everything. The above people were pawns of the game played by those Memons. Those people worked for money..Memons worked for religion. One such person in the society produces to hundreds of such pawns. Those people have to be removed from the society first. Judge P D Kode has definitely done the right thing...a sciety cant run by some religious feelings.

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No religion
by Aki on Jul 27, 2007 08:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

We should not have any religion. Having religion just gives people excuses to kill each other. And these reasons are really silly reasons too, since there is one god anyway. Lets have god, but no religion.

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RE:No religion
by Kaushik Das on Jul 27, 2007 10:03 PM  Permalink
on the contrary, we SHOULD have religion but not cults. It is cults that try to get their followers to kill others. Religions talk of good things and the need to differentiate good from bad. If we do not have religions, how will you differentiate the good from the bad? On what axioms will you base your decisions? How will you defend your consciousness?

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RE:No religion
by JGN on Jul 27, 2007 10:16 PM  Permalink
Dear Kaushik Das, there is something called conscience in every human being. We judge our actions on the basis of benefit for the humanity. Almost two-thirds of all wars fought by humanity was in the name of religion and non-existent gods!

A study conducted in the jails of Sri Lanka some time back revealed that less than one third of one percent (1/3%) criminals were atheists and the rest for adherent followers of various religions. So much for moral teachings of the religions and the so-called holy books!!!!

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RE:No religion
by Sarath Chandra on Jul 27, 2007 10:46 PM  Permalink
yes, whether people like it or not, many studies have concluded that people who proclaim themselves atheists and agnostics are least likely to be criminals. I think many even know that they are basically very moral. Defenders of religion can say that the religion is being misinterpreted. But does it matter? And as long as it is liable to be interpreted a 1000 ways, how does anyone know what's the right interpretation?

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RE:No religion
by JGN on Jul 27, 2007 08:27 PM  Permalink
The so-called holy books were creations of surrealistic visionaries and have outlived their utility. The organised religions were created by the priestly class for their vested interests.

Until we all realize the futility of religions and the so-called holy books, this fight will go on.

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by SLVP on Jul 27, 2007 07:53 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

U did not remember JESUS in 1993?

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by nilla on Jul 28, 2007 04:05 AM  Permalink
this is funny..Muslims accuse Sanjay Dutt of being Hindu, and Hindus accuse him of being Muslim, because of his Muslim mother. Why not try him as a man.

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by linux linux on Jul 27, 2007 10:35 PM  Permalink
What about them?

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by Pat Thakur on Jul 27, 2007 09:29 PM  Permalink
You should also be hanged...

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by debajyoti maulik on Jul 28, 2007 07:13 AM  Permalink
Mr. Ahamed, can you please compare the number of hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh in 1947 with the number today? It has decreased by 73%. In India we dont hide. Everything is open and fair. First clarify yourself then come on others. Any comment on Lal Masjid?

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by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 09:59 PM  Permalink
u forget Hindus , talk about the other countries and religion. Everywhere probabily in all the countries ,muslims are the major source of terror(America,africa,russia,china,pakistan,europe). i think the major problem is uneducation which is very low in your community . Second thing u leave everything on allah producing herds of children even u can't feed yourself properly . Since resources are less therefore easy to make them suicide bombers and terrorist.
i would like to ask one question ? who has seen jannat, when u will come out from this fantasy and start building the nation and your community

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by Kaushik Das on Jul 27, 2007 10:12 PM  Permalink
modi, advani and togadiya haven't killed anybody.
shiv sainiks retaliated to your own attacks.
92 riots were started by muslims against what they called the destruction of what they called a mosque.
why do we need to rememer jesus? our religion already has all the good principles of his and your religion.
shame on you, your cult and beliefs that is angered at terrorists being hanged. go to arabia and see how any anti-national activity is treated there. here, these terrorists lived king-size all these years. in arabia, they would not wait 14 years to stone them to death. go back to your arabia.

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by debajyoti maulik on Jul 28, 2007 07:17 AM  Permalink
please dont boast on the rights given to you as alms, Mr. Ahamed

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by hitanshu on Jul 27, 2007 09:51 PM  Permalink
advani, modi and pravin togadia are our national heroes...only muslims are hanged coz only they are into crime...its in their blood you know...always want reason to crime and kill.
all required in this country is leader like those shri bala saheb thackery ,sanjay gandhi or for that matter hitler, than you will know how to live .specially when this is not your country....why dont you go to pakistan and have as many mosque as you want...but never ever try to give us excuse for your crimes...its always in your blood...its just that you are alive because of political system of india....you are used only for votes..the day your community votes are cancelled...seee who wants you here...no one ...you will go to bloody pakistan running.....jai hind....hindustan chodo

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by Karthik on Jul 27, 2007 07:30 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Guys, What do u mean by Religion? Is is by GOD, is it by people?

Religion is something a man can exhibit on his learnings by helping others and the world....Those who are selfish are not religious...This is one of the quotes from Swami Vivekananda...I am sure there shud be some more quotes abt religion in Gita, Bible, Koran!! Pls for "GODs" sake dont ever talk abt religion in any of the forum!!!

People who debate on religion in this forum are really pathetic!! n want to create a WORD WAR again!!

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by JGN on Jul 27, 2007 08:24 PM  Permalink
Dear Kartik, a reply to your sane message has also been removed following abuse altert! I have not seen that. That is the level of our tolerance.

Until we all realize the futility of religions and the so-called holy books, this fight will go on.

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by Karthik on Jul 27, 2007 09:37 PM  Permalink
Dear JGN, neither did I see the message...but some goodie has complained about my English
"Surya Kanishka on Jul 27, 2007 08:07 PM
Moronic Karthik,

The 1993 blasts are a fall out of Babri Masjid, Please know before you bark with your half dead brain"

He has a point in it...Some Fools destroyed Babri Masjid, and this might have happened!! But he is justifying this incident!! Wat a shame!! But Mr.surya, hundreds of HINDUS and MUSLIMS were killed in the bombings...a political issue has been framed as Religious issue. As long as it is understood, no one will blame a Muslim for this act. Dawood ibrahim and Pakistan's ISI are the master mind and the bombings were carried out by J-E-M and L.E.T

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by ismail shaikh on Jul 28, 2007 05:13 PM  Permalink
I M with u Karthik

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Clemency on August 15, 2007
by Ramesh Kapoor on Jul 27, 2007 07:30 PM  Permalink 

This will be the first official function where Pratibha Patil, as President will preside over and announce clemencies to all convicts. So do not get surprised if some of those freed are people now stand convicted. Take it easy, this is the price you pay for electing your government, and even when in minority, you have pall bearers from other parties to carry your 'dolis' and 'arthis.'

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RE:People - Stop Proving only your Religion is Good
by vikas sethi on Jul 27, 2007 07:15 PM  Permalink
But this is not so. Not one has gained all the ground. In fact Muslim religion is the only religion that had an absolute phenomenal rise. It was spread with the Koran in one hand and the sword in the other. Accept it or die. For six hundred years there was no stopping it and then there was a halt even to it.

God is same or Allah is the same but his children may call him differently and may worship him differently. That does not mean God loves them differently. If one child were to kill the other or hurt the other, is it possible by any stretch of imagination that God would be happy and reward him?

In realizing God, ideals and methods may differ but that is the central point. There may be a thousand different radii but they all converge to the one centre that is realization of God.

All the great religions of the world evolved in different eras to solve the problems of the people in that era. All religions have a soul. The soul may be different but the religions are supplementary to each other and not contradictory. Each religion, as it were, takes up one part of the great universal truth and explains or embodies it. So every religion is an addition and not exclusion. And this is probably how humanity has marched.

People if they respect their religion should stop comparing religion. It is too personal a thing.

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RE:People - Stop Proving only your Religion is Good
by vikas sethi on Jul 27, 2007 07:20 PM  Permalink
It is a matter to shame that Religion was made to show Man the way to God but the maximum killings in this world have taken place in the name of Religion.

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RE:RE:People - Stop Proving only your Religion is Good
by Karthik on Jul 27, 2007 07:26 PM  Permalink
Whats ur point? Why the heck are u taking religion in here? All 1993 blasts are to create political issues not religional ones...grow up u moron..dont make this forum a religious forum again!!

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RE:People - Stop Proving only your Religion is Good
by vikas sethi on Jul 27, 2007 07:29 PM  Permalink
Talking of religion bcoz that is what people have turned this forum into. Read the messages below if you follow english.

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RE:RE:RE:People - Stop Proving only your Religion is Good
by Surya Kanishka on Jul 27, 2007 08:07 PM  Permalink
Moronic Karthik,

The 1993 blasts are a fall out of Babri Masjid, Please know before you bark with your half dead brain.

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by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 07:11 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

every woman says that she is equal to male counterpart in all aspacts of life.
Even women have started capturing the world then why there is no equality for the capital punishment.why Rubeena was given life sentence instead of capital punishment.This disparity should not be there in our law.
Now Rubeena will get bail (like she was on bail)and again will be involved in terrorist activities.
Humarra Kanoon bahut hee lachila hai.
It is meant to help politicians and criminals

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by Haroon Ghalib on Jul 27, 2007 08:10 PM  Permalink
abe ullu!!! then y sanjay is out he had arms spoke with chota shakeel for 40 minutes!and mark ma wrods he will eb freee!!!band u speak about equality when u had burnt ur women after their hubbies died u??????????????? abe chal bihari!!!

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by hitanshu on Jul 27, 2007 09:57 PM  Permalink
To haroon galib....your language suggest your status...your dirty blood...nothing else to say....jai hind

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by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 09:38 PM  Permalink
chal gattar me face wash kar ke aa , u fool

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by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 09:42 PM  Permalink
i think your english and understanding is also poor. my views are regarding for equality between man and woman, why u are mixing religion . are u feeling shame on your ????????????????. it confirm that u are much bigger ullu!!!!!!!! hahaha

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by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 09:46 PM  Permalink
then what about other menon brothers why they are not hanged , it is because of sickness only.
one last thing Thapper and menon brothers all should be hanged.terror in any way is harmful to the society.

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by Ganapathi ps on Jul 27, 2007 06:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Pls do not criticise one religion or other for terrorism. Terrorists or people who kill others have no religion. All religions are good and great.

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by Sarath Chandra on Jul 27, 2007 06:31 PM  Permalink
It is wishful thinking to blindly believe all religions are "good and great". Religion has been one of the biggest causes of deaths the world over in history. If one wants to prove religion is "good and great", it has to be done by stating facts; just saying so wouldn't make them. In my opinion, religions are man-made set of rules when mankind were nomadic (in a way they are "non-stationary" countries). Their creators just quoted God for authority over their people. Religions can be evil.

The bottomline, it is all well to turn a blind eye to evil interpretations of religion (and those who do that are of no danger to anybody but can be in danger themselves), but there will always be people who interpret religions violently and kill people. This must be recognized.

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by Neo on Jul 27, 2007 06:22 PM  Permalink
Lets accept some facts here. Terrorists do everything in the name of religion, irrespective of whether it is a hindu or a muslim. So alienating religion from terror is not possible. One has to accept the fact that there are religious sects in Islam that preach violence and destruction, and these fringe elements need to be wiped out, in the interests of the wider world!

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by amjad ansari on Jul 27, 2007 07:06 PM  Permalink
Yes we have to accept the fact. and the fact is that ISLAM, religion of Peace advocate of violence.........The irony is that most of the so callled terrorist are muslim.But have we ever analyse why muslims are taking guns in their hand? Is there any who question the role of Shivsena and Ploice in the post babri anti muslim riot? why there is no prosecution and why there is no charges agains so called nationalist party - Shivsena ,HAVE any answer Mr Koda why are you taking so long time to deliver the judgement against "Other". Hinduism the real religion of peace which only advocate to fight against own brother, but where as ISLAM, the religion of peace advocate to fight against injustice, oppression and other evils. Why don't you fight for justice? .......Terrorist is the hero for one and villian for other.

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by hitanshu on Jul 27, 2007 09:55 PM  Permalink
i think u r not in ur senses to make this statement...its not hindu but muslim religion has history..since mughals..brother killed brother..son killed father...so, its your history, not ours...our history is very very pure..which criminal minded people and community will not understand....jai hind

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by Shishir Shastry on Jul 27, 2007 07:24 PM  Permalink
Amjad ansari

No wonder you are a muslim. But have you ever read the real history of India? Millions of Hindus were murdered by the muslimms. India gave away 30% of its land to the muslims as Pakistan, still muslims have India as their second biggest home in the world.

Where was the need to put the train Coach on fire in Godhra? Why are all terrorists muslims? Why can't your religion allow reforms? Can you people delete the abusive verses in quran that promote religious hatred towards the Kafirs? Show one country in the world where the muslims have lived in peace? Why Shariat law is not fit for humans? What is the value of a Hindu's life esp. a Hindu woman in the muslim countries?

Recently a HIndu woman in Indinosia was imprisoned when she was practicing her religion and even the police, the judiciary etc. did not allow her the freedom. She was forced to eat beef. That's the result of your quran.

How can you terrorists even compare your religion with Hinduism? Look at the temples of worship muslims have destroyed. If you feel Charminar was built by some muslim murderer, Hindus still allowed to stay ono after the muslim rule ended. But look at the ancient Buddhist monuments in Bamiyan in Afghanistan..... the idiots have destroyed them... don't understand the value of tourism, heritage, history etc. How many HIndus live in Afghanistan now? Or what is the decline in population of the Hindus in Pakistan/ Bangladesh hells? And after all this, you want the Hindus to unde

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