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RE:List of people who were found guilty
by vijaykumar vk on Jul 28, 2007 02:10 AM

When a Kafir(Hindu) die all the Muslims feel happy and when a Muslim dies not all the Hindus are Happy.Reality;The same blood of a Hindu is water In Pakistan.I dont support any brutel act on a fellow nation Muslims.Punish all the terrorists in the same way.Dont spare Sunjay Dutt too.RDX financed by Hawala money.Landed in Kerala state.There is no Khomani or saddam to say no to Dollors$ or Ponds.
PS;Let the things continue.At least we need not bother about Gas or LKG admission for the child.Please Put such RDX which will not spare any Hindu on this earth.Long live only Muslims.

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