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RE:List of people who were found guilty
by Karthik on Jul 27, 2007 10:48 PM

My point is , this topic should not be made as a RELIGIOUS debate, instead it is more political, Shiv Sena is one of the main culprit!! Who destroyed Babri Masjid? I am a Human who cannot tolerate killings of innocent humans for their purpose, this is my hatred for Hindus or muslims...or watever religion it may be!!

mr.bhatkar ahamed : You get emotional when you type!! dont do that..this is not an emotional debate...taking in to consideration of involvement of LET n JEM, people presume that this is Islamic Jihad, but TRUTH is not revealed or unknown..We cant come to any conclusion by a bogus report..But one thing: The actual cause of this act is to blame those people who destroyed Babri masjid!!

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