No wonder you are a muslim. But have you ever read the real history of India? Millions of Hindus were murdered by the muslimms. India gave away 30% of its land to the muslims as Pakistan, still muslims have India as their second biggest home in the world.
Where was the need to put the train Coach on fire in Godhra? Why are all terrorists muslims? Why can't your religion allow reforms? Can you people delete the abusive verses in quran that promote religious hatred towards the Kafirs? Show one country in the world where the muslims have lived in peace? Why Shariat law is not fit for humans? What is the value of a Hindu's life esp. a Hindu woman in the muslim countries?
Recently a HIndu woman in Indinosia was imprisoned when she was practicing her religion and even the police, the judiciary etc. did not allow her the freedom. She was forced to eat beef. That's the result of your quran.
How can you terrorists even compare your religion with Hinduism? Look at the temples of worship muslims have destroyed. If you feel Charminar was built by some muslim murderer, Hindus still allowed to stay ono after the muslim rule ended. But look at the ancient Buddhist monuments in Bamiyan in Afghanistan..... the idiots have destroyed them... don't understand the value of tourism, heritage, history etc. How many HIndus live in Afghanistan now? Or what is the decline in population of the Hindus in Pakistan/ Bangladesh hells? And after all this, you want the Hindus to unde