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List of people who were found guilty
by Karthik on Jul 27, 2007 09:48 PM

The following names: Are they islamic? if they are not islamic names, does this mean that there is a Hindu support for 1993 blast? Surya Kanishka, Do you have point to make out?

S N Thapa, former additional customs collector, preventive - Guilty of conspiracy. He got information about the landing at Shekhadi and that the main exit point could be in Mhasla Shrivardhan area. He laid a trap at Purarphata on Mhasla-Goregaon road on January 30. Besides that, his team gave up the vigil after February 2 in spite of the warnings. However, the CBI has asked for lesser sentence as he suffers from cancer
R K Singh, Former assistant commissioner of customs,convicted for facilitating RDX landing in Shekhadi after accepting bribe of more than
7.8 lakh Rupees - Had meetings with the accused.
Jaywant Gurav former customs inspector.-Convicted for allowing passage of RDX from Raigad to Mumbai
S S Talwadekar, former customs superintendent.
Convicted for allowing passage of RDX from Raigad to Mumbai
Vijay Patil, ex police sub-inspector
* Guilty of conspiracy and taking bribe to allow passage of RDX from Raigad to Mumbai
* Has been sentenced to life imprisonment and 1 lakh rupees fine by TADA court on 22 May 2007
Ashok Muleshwar, P M Mahadik, Ramesh Mali, S Y Palshikar; Police Constables
* Guilty of allowing passage of RDX of arms from Raigad to Mumbai.All four sentenced by TADA court to six years' imprisonment and a fine of Rs 25,000 each on May 21,2007

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