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by amjad ansari on Jul 27, 2007 07:06 PM

Yes we have to accept the fact. and the fact is that ISLAM, religion of Peace advocate of violence.........The irony is that most of the so callled terrorist are muslim.But have we ever analyse why muslims are taking guns in their hand? Is there any who question the role of Shivsena and Ploice in the post babri anti muslim riot? why there is no prosecution and why there is no charges agains so called nationalist party - Shivsena ,HAVE any answer Mr Koda why are you taking so long time to deliver the judgement against "Other". Hinduism the real religion of peace which only advocate to fight against own brother, but where as ISLAM, the religion of peace advocate to fight against injustice, oppression and other evils. Why don't you fight for justice? .......Terrorist is the hero for one and villian for other.

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