One hopes that Manmohan Singh makes good on his threat, so-called, to resign. The country can do without unelected American agents like him. In any case, if Singh and his backers in the media are so adamant on the Nuclear Deal going through, they should answer some questions: Why, if the US gets nothing from this deal, is Bush exerting so much pressure for it to be concluded? Remember the USS Trenton/INS Jalashwa episode? What hidden protocols lie behind this Nuclear Deal? If the idea of the Nuclear Deal is to prop India up against China, can one actually think of a situation where the US takes on China? Even if it won, its own economy would be destroyed utterly. At the most it may use India as a proxy, which means India will be destroyed instead. The Chinese are and will remain our neighbours. We can't escape to the other side of the planet from them. Or do the pro-US media think the US will allow the entire Indian population to emigrate to Texas or California? Why should we sign a deal with a discredited US president and make ourselves willing allies of a man his own people hate? Both McCain and Obama are promising a new anti-Bush USA. Why has the US - if the Nuclear Deal is so important because Nuclear energy is the energy of the future - not built any new nuclear plants in the last thirty years? Why is it now seeking to destroy Alaska by drilling for oil in wildlife reserves? Manmohan Singh must answer some of these questions.
RE:Some questions
by S Narain on Jun 20, 2008 09:11 PM Permalink
U R chinese agent & US hater,however please do not make petty comments,, even the great missile man and our most respected Ex President Dr Kalam also is in favour of the nuclear agreement!! Bewkoof!!
RE:RE:Some questions
by Biswapriya Purkayastha on Jun 20, 2008 09:28 PM Permalink
Same Kalam who signed the Bihar govt dismissal and who now wants a plane for his private use provided out of Indian govt funds?
RE:Some questions
by satya prakash singh on Jun 20, 2008 10:28 PM Permalink
RE:Some questions
by S Narain on Jun 20, 2008 09:13 PM Permalink
Yechury & Karat like traitors should be made naked & exposed of their evil design
Pakistan is going ahead with nuclear deal with China for their Kahuta plant...the emnemies of India & base for terrorism in the world..
This deal of paki is never opposed by Karat & co... in fact they support the deal as they are traitors..
Yechury & Karat never won even a municipal election and plotted to throw out the vetran leader Jyoti Basu from Politbureau of CPM ..
These fellows have befooled the gullible Bongs & showed finger like Greg Chappel to Somnath Da when he wanted to contest vice President post...CPM is power by Bengal but all plum position are hijacked by rootless fellows like Yechury & Karat...
What a great fooling to bongs !!!!the so called intellectuals
Wake up India& wake up bengal before it is too late ,,
RE:RE:Some questions
by Biswapriya Purkayastha on Jun 20, 2008 09:34 PM Permalink
Exactly which election has the Chair Warmer, Manmohan Singh, won? He dare not even stand for election to the Rajya Sabha from his own state. Coward.
RE:Some questions
by Sandhya on Jun 20, 2008 10:05 PM Permalink
China never had border with India it got it by annexing Tibet. Bengalis are the Biggest anti nationalists to be keeping communists alive in India. It is only because of Bengalis that we have an Anti nationalist Party playing a Major Role in Indian Policy making. Chinese have signed Nuclear Deal but they are Pushing their Indian Puppets to sabotage the same for Indians The centre can't have a Position against Chinese on its atrocities on a Pieceful tibetan Civilization only because it won't please the Communists. Chinese communists are nationalists as they want to expand and Control large part of India for their motherland ,but Indian Communists are imbeciles who won't mind selling their motherland to Chinese master. Indian Communists are just like slaves of Dracula,who can offer their mothers blood to feed their master
Bengalis can have a bengali Regional Party but atleast they can keep these puppets of Chinese out of Indian Politics If bengalis don't understand this than they too are anti nationals.
RE:Some questions
by Shahid Hashmi on Jun 20, 2008 09:28 PM Permalink
I agree with Mr.Biswapriya,Mr.Manmohan Singh Should resign and be practical instead of circulating propaganda of his resignation.The deal was signed at Hyderabad between him and President Bush without any serious consideration,in a haste.It is not in the interest of our nation.The Congress party's remote cotrol is in the hands of cunny and unreliable Bush. Shahid hashmi Aligarh,U.P.
RE:Some questions
by AMIT PAUL on Jun 20, 2008 10:04 PM Permalink
Friends do not fight with this type of crazy bengali woman. This type of useless bengalis brought communist in power, consequently bengal has been already destroyed and now they are trying to destroy rest of india. For information, I am a bengali too but I hate communists.
RE:Some questions
by arun lal on Jun 20, 2008 09:08 PM Permalink
arent u concerned about our energy resourses at all long can we depend on middleeast get the clearence from iaea we need american suppport....only then can we sign deals with french or russia as u guys want to.isnt it rather simple.....and for all ur anti us,pro china dialogue remember 1962
RE:Some questions
by Biswapriya Purkayastha on Jun 20, 2008 09:27 PM Permalink
"arent u concerned about our energy resourses at all bengali..." How about using the resources we have for once? How about cutting down on wastage and power theft (40% of the total according to the power companies)? How about mining the uranium we have in this country, which is lying untapped, as in Meghalaya? "how long can we depend on middleeast oil...." How about promoting wind and hydel power? How about substituting jatropha plantations? How about going ahead with the Iran pipeline deal? If it had been not shelved (under US pressure) our natural gas problems at least would have been solved by now. "to get the clearence from iaea we need american suppport....only then can we sign deals with french or russia as u guys want to." Have you checked out the latest responses from other countries? Of the NSG, Australia and South Africa are against us, and will block supplies if we don't sign the NPT. Or aren't you aware of that? How much credibility has the US got in the world now? Not very much. "isnt it rather simple.....and for all ur anti us,pro china dialogue remember 1962" Read a book called "India's China War" by Neville Maxwell - gives you information, drawn from the Henderson-Brookes report, about what actually happened in 1962. Published in India. If that is you know how to read. I doubt it from your spelling and diction.
RE:Some questions
by Cool Customer on Jun 20, 2008 11:47 PM Permalink
Biswapriya You are debating about issues that have been debated numerous times. Let me try a short and sweet version.
A. The US wants this deal because it provides enromous economic leverage into India besides controlling a crucial backbone of India- The energy. Is that risky? Yes. Is it a national compromise. No! Why? I will explain...
B. What about Iran Oil or Uranium (BTW we have rich Thorium reserves not Uranium. If we had Uranium, we wouldnt be desperate) mining and or alternative resources of energy? These question underline the theoritical supposition. A potential is not equivalent to a solution. We have a potential for a trillion dollar economy- doent make us one. Similarly, all these solutions require technological solutions, everyone one of which is going to take 10-25 years (nevermind the challenge and reliance of knowledge import. Can we invent our way through? Nothing in histroy provides evidence ,we can do that). So what happens during those 25 years, who provides the moeny to import and develop those expensive state of art technology? The challenge is current. How to sustain an economic growth in the next 10 years. None of the solutions you mentioned are capable of doing that.
RE:RE:Some questions
by Cool Customer on Jun 20, 2008 11:54 PM Permalink
Contd.... C. Nuclear technolgy is something that we have indgeneously developed substantially. Specially the thorium reactors. But for it to be commercially viable, we are still 10 years away. Also the main challenge remains the use of uranium to kickstart the process. Hence we need the uranium. Nuclear power can be commissioned quickly without relying heavily on technology import, even though some critical reprocessing technology is being imported. Thus we can sustain interim growth and divert some funds to R&D and alternative energy on the long run.
And now finally, is this deal a compromise of our national integrity.
I think this is one the smartest deal India has made internationally in recent years. It has negotiated toughly and had leveraged our economic potential well to gain lot of concessions.
But Alas! Thanks to the left, we are in a different situtaion now. If we go back to revive the deal, it may have been too late to have that leverage. And besides we have shown the world that we are unreliable when it comes to courage and the decision to proceed with unchartered territory. there are too many chicken littles crying the sky will fall on our heads. And we lost an oppurtunity in history to something special. we will grow, but we will need more than a miracle to be special. oppurtunity does not knock twice- Usually.