China never had border with India it got it by annexing Tibet. Bengalis are the Biggest anti nationalists to be keeping communists alive in India. It is only because of Bengalis that we have an Anti nationalist Party playing a Major Role in Indian Policy making. Chinese have signed Nuclear Deal but they are Pushing their Indian Puppets to sabotage the same for Indians The centre can't have a Position against Chinese on its atrocities on a Pieceful tibetan Civilization only because it won't please the Communists. Chinese communists are nationalists as they want to expand and Control large part of India for their motherland ,but Indian Communists are imbeciles who won't mind selling their motherland to Chinese master. Indian Communists are just like slaves of Dracula,who can offer their mothers blood to feed their master
Bengalis can have a bengali Regional Party but atleast they can keep these puppets of Chinese out of Indian Politics If bengalis don't understand this than they too are anti nationals.