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Some questions
by Biswapriya Purkayastha on Jun 20, 2008 09:00 PM

One hopes that Manmohan Singh makes good on his threat, so-called, to resign. The country can do without unelected American agents like him.
In any case, if Singh and his backers in the media are so adamant on the Nuclear Deal going through, they should answer some questions:
Why, if the US gets nothing from this deal, is Bush exerting so much pressure for it to be concluded?
Remember the USS Trenton/INS Jalashwa episode? What hidden protocols lie behind this Nuclear Deal?
If the idea of the Nuclear Deal is to prop India up against China, can one actually think of a situation where the US takes on China? Even if it won, its own economy would be destroyed utterly. At the most it may use India as a proxy, which means India will be destroyed instead. The Chinese are and will remain our neighbours. We can't escape to the other side of the planet from them. Or do the pro-US media think the US will allow the entire Indian population to emigrate to Texas or California?
Why should we sign a deal with a discredited US president and make ourselves willing allies of a man his own people hate? Both McCain and Obama are promising a new anti-Bush USA.
Why has the US - if the Nuclear Deal is so important because Nuclear energy is the energy of the future - not built any new nuclear plants in the last thirty years? Why is it now seeking to destroy Alaska by drilling for oil in wildlife reserves?
Manmohan Singh must answer some of these questions.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal