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RE:Some questions
by Cool Customer on Jun 20, 2008 11:47 PM

You are debating about issues that have been debated numerous times. Let me try a short and sweet version.

A. The US wants this deal because it provides enromous economic leverage into India besides controlling a crucial backbone of India- The energy. Is that risky? Yes. Is it a national compromise. No!
Why? I will explain...

B. What about Iran Oil or Uranium (BTW we have rich Thorium reserves not Uranium. If we had Uranium, we wouldnt be desperate) mining and or alternative resources of energy? These question underline the theoritical supposition. A potential is not equivalent to a solution. We have a potential for a trillion dollar economy- doent make us one. Similarly, all these solutions require technological solutions, everyone one of which is going to take 10-25 years (nevermind the challenge and reliance of knowledge import. Can we invent our way through? Nothing in histroy provides evidence ,we can do that). So what happens during those 25 years, who provides the moeny to import and develop those expensive state of art technology?
The challenge is current. How to sustain an economic growth in the next 10 years. None of the solutions you mentioned are capable of doing that.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal