Contd.... C. Nuclear technolgy is something that we have indgeneously developed substantially. Specially the thorium reactors. But for it to be commercially viable, we are still 10 years away. Also the main challenge remains the use of uranium to kickstart the process. Hence we need the uranium. Nuclear power can be commissioned quickly without relying heavily on technology import, even though some critical reprocessing technology is being imported. Thus we can sustain interim growth and divert some funds to R&D and alternative energy on the long run.
And now finally, is this deal a compromise of our national integrity.
I think this is one the smartest deal India has made internationally in recent years. It has negotiated toughly and had leveraged our economic potential well to gain lot of concessions.
But Alas! Thanks to the left, we are in a different situtaion now. If we go back to revive the deal, it may have been too late to have that leverage. And besides we have shown the world that we are unreliable when it comes to courage and the decision to proceed with unchartered territory. there are too many chicken littles crying the sky will fall on our heads. And we lost an oppurtunity in history to something special. we will grow, but we will need more than a miracle to be special. oppurtunity does not knock twice- Usually.